class TQTable
library: libQFramework
#include "TQTable.h"
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Common Analysis Framework » QFRAMEWORK » TQTable

class TQTable: public TQNamedTaggable

 The TQTable class provides a general modular interface for creating, modifying, reading
 and writing tables (aka two-dimensional arrays of text), including, but not limited to
 - reading and writing CSV files
 - reading and writing HTML files
 - reading and writing LaTeX-formatted text files
 - reading and writing unicode-ascii-art formatted text files

 Some of these features are still under developement, but general class operations should
 be stable already. This class was designed as an enhancement to the TQCutflowPrinter,
 but can be used for other purposes as well.

Function Members (Methods)

voidTObject::AbstractMethod(const char* method) const
voidaddToListContents(TList* l, const TString& sep)
intappendLines(const TQTable& other, int startAt = 0, bool ignoreHlines = false)
intappendLines(const TQTable* other, int startAt = 0, bool ignoreHlines = false)
virtual voidTObject::AppendPad(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::Browse(TBrowser* b)
boolTQTaggable::canSetThisTag(const TString& key, bool& treatAsList)
intTQTaggable::claimTags(const TString& definition, bool printErrMsg = false)
intTQTaggable::claimTags(const TString& definition, TString& message)
intTQTaggable::claimTags(const TString& definition, TString& missing, TString& invalid, TString& unexpected)
static TClass*Class()
virtual const char*TObject::ClassName() const
virtual voidTNamed::Clear(Option_t* option = "")
voidclearCol(unsigned int col)
voidclearRow(unsigned int row)
virtual TObject*TNamed::Clone(const char* newname = "") const
virtual Int_tTNamed::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
virtual voidTNamed::Copy(TObject& named) const
boolcopyRow(unsigned int sourceRow, unsigned int targetRow, bool ignoreProperties = false)
intTQTaggable::countMatchingTags(const TString& name) const
virtual voidTObject::Delete(Option_t* option = "")MENU
virtual Int_tTObject::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual voidTObject::Draw(Option_t* option = "")
virtual voidTObject::DrawClass() constMENU
virtual TObject*TObject::DrawClone(Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Dump() constMENU
virtual voidTObject::Error(const char* method, const char* msgfmt,...) const
virtual voidTObject::Execute(const char* method, const char* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::Execute(TMethod* method, TObjArray* params, Int_t* error = 0)
virtual voidTObject::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
boolexpand(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
boolTQTaggable::exportConfigFile(bool writeUnreadKeys = true)
boolTQTaggable::exportConfigFile(const TString& filename, bool writeUnreadKeys = true)
boolTQTaggable::exportConfigFile(const TString& filename, const TString& prefix, bool writeUnreadKeys = true)
intTQTaggable::exportTags(TQTaggable* dest, const TString& subDest = "", const TString& filter = "", bool recursive = false)
TStringTQTaggable::exportTagsAsConfigString(const TString& prefix, const TString& filter = "")
stringTQTaggable::exportTagsAsStandardConfigString(const TString& prefix, const TString& filter = "")
stringTQTaggable::exportTagsAsStandardString(const TString& filter = "", bool xmlStyle = false)
TStringTQTaggable::exportTagsAsString(const TString& filter = "", bool xmlStyle = false)
virtual voidTObject::Fatal(const char* method, const char* msgfmt,...) const
virtual voidTNamed::FillBuffer(char*& buffer)
intfindColumn(TString colname, bool caseSensitive)
intfindColumn(TString colname, int row = 0, bool caseSensitive = true)
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const char* name) const
virtual TObject*TObject::FindObject(const TObject* obj) const
intfindRow(TString content, int column = 0, bool caseSensitive = true)
virtual TQTaggable*TQTaggable::getBaseTaggable() const
TStringgetColAlign(unsigned int col)
TStringgetColAlignHTML(unsigned int col)
virtual TList*TQTaggable::getDescendantTaggables()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetDrawOption() const
static Longptr_tTObject::GetDtorOnly()
TStringgetEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, TString format = "plain")
TStringgetEntryASCII(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
doublegetEntryDouble(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool sanitizeString = true)
TStringgetEntryHTML(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
intgetEntryInteger(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool sanitizeString = true)
TStringgetEntryLaTeX(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
TStringgetEntryPlain(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool allowUnicode = true)
TQTaggable*getEntryTags(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
TStringgetEntryUnicode(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
doublegetEntryValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double defaultval)
TStringgetEntryVerbatim(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
virtual TStringTQTaggable::getFlags()
boolTQTaggable::getGlobalIgnoreCase() const
boolTQTaggable::getGlobalOverwrite() const
static shared_ptr<TQTaggable>TQTaggable::getGlobalTaggable(const char* name)
static shared_ptr<TQTaggable>TQTaggable::getGlobalTaggable(const TString& name)
virtual const char*TObject::GetIconName() const
TList*TQTaggable::getListOfKeys(const TString& filter = "")
virtual TList*TQTaggable::getListOfTaggables(const TString& name)
virtual TList*TQTaggable::getListOfUnreadKeys(const TString& filter = "")
map<TString,TString>getMap(const TString& key, const TString& value, const TString& keyformat = "ascii", const TString& valformat = "ascii")
map<TString,TString>getMap(unsigned int keyidx, unsigned int validx, const TString& keyformat = "ascii", const TString& valformat = "ascii", bool skipfirstline = false)
virtual TStringTQNamedTaggable::getName() const
virtual const char*TNamed::GetName() const
virtual const TString&TQNamedTaggable::getNameConst() const
intTQTaggable::getNTags() const
virtual char*TObject::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
static Bool_tTObject::GetObjectStat()
virtual Option_t*TObject::GetOption() const
TStringgetRowAsCSV(int row, const TString& sep = ",")
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, double& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, int& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, bool& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, TString& value)
intTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, vector<TString>& vec)
intTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, vector<int>& vec)
intTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, vector<double>& vec)
intTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, vector<bool>& vec)
intTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, TList* l)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, double& value, bool recursive)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, int& value, bool recursive)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, bool& value, bool recursive)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, TString& value, bool recursive)
boolTQTaggable::getTagAsString(const TString& key, TString& tag)
boolTQTaggable::getTagBool(const TString& key, bool& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTagBool(const TString& key, bool& value, bool recursive)
boolTQTaggable::getTagBoolDefault(const TString& key, bool defaultVal = false)
doubleTQTaggable::getTagDefault(const TString& key, double defaultVal)
intTQTaggable::getTagDefault(const TString& key, int defaultVal)
boolTQTaggable::getTagDefault(const TString& key, bool defaultVal)
TStringTQTaggable::getTagDefault(const TString& key, const TString& defaultVal)
TStringTQTaggable::getTagDefault(const TString& key, const char* defaultVal)
boolTQTaggable::getTagDouble(const TString& key, double& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTagDouble(const TString& key, double& value, bool recursive)
doubleTQTaggable::getTagDoubleDefault(const TString& key, double defaultVal = 0.)
virtual TList*TQTaggable::getTaggablesByName(const TString& name)
boolTQTaggable::getTagInteger(const TString& key, int& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTagInteger(const TString& key, int& value, bool recursive)
intTQTaggable::getTagIntegerDefault(const TString& key, int defaultVal = 0)
TList*TQTaggable::getTagList(const TString& key)
intTQTaggable::getTagListLength(const TString& key)
stringTQTaggable::getTagStandardStringDefault(const TString& key, const TString& defaultVal = "")
boolTQTaggable::getTagString(const TString& key, TString& value)
boolTQTaggable::getTagString(const TString& key, TString& value, bool recursive)
TStringTQTaggable::getTagStringDefault(const TString& key, const TString& defaultVal = "")
vector<bool>TQTaggable::getTagVBool(const TString& key)
vector<double>TQTaggable::getTagVDouble(const TString& key)
vector<int>TQTaggable::getTagVInt(const TString& key)
vector<int>TQTaggable::getTagVInteger(const TString& key)
vector<string>TQTaggable::getTagVStandardString(const TString& key)
vector<TString>TQTaggable::getTagVString(const TString& key)
virtual TStringTQNamedTaggable::getTitle()
virtual const char*TNamed::GetTitle() const
virtual const TString&TQNamedTaggable::getTitleConst() const
boolTQTaggable::getTypeOfTagAsString(const TString& key, TString& type)
virtual UInt_tTObject::GetUniqueID() const
static const TString&TQTaggable::getValidKeyCharacters()
boolTQTaggable::getValueOfTagAsString(const TString& key, TString& value)
TStringTQTaggable::getValuesOfTags(const TString& keys, const TString& sep = ", ")
virtual Bool_tTObject::HandleTimer(TTimer* timer)
boolhasEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
boolTQTaggable::hasEquivalentTag(const TQValue* reference, bool recurseUp = true)
boolTQTaggable::hasEquivalentTag(const TQValue& reference, bool recurseUp = true)
boolTQTaggable::hasEquivalentTag(const TString& key, const TString& value)
boolTQTaggable::hasEquivalentTag(const TString& key, const double value)
boolTQTaggable::hasEquivalentTag(const TString& key, const int value)
boolTQTaggable::hasEquivalentTag(const TString& key, const bool value)
static boolTQTaggable::hasGlobalTaggable(const char* name)
static boolTQTaggable::hasGlobalTaggable(const TString& name)
virtual ULong_tTNamed::Hash() const
Bool_tTObject::HasInconsistentHash() const
boolTQTaggable::hasMatchingTag(const TString& name) const
boolTQTaggable::hasTag(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::hasTagBool(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::hasTagDouble(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::hasTagInteger(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::hasTagString(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::hasTagWithIndex(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::hasTagWithoutIndex(const TString& key)
virtual boolTQTaggable::hasUnreadKeys(const TString& filter = "")
intTQTaggable::importTag(TString tag, bool overwrite = true, bool keepStringQuotes = false)
intTQTaggable::importTags(TString tags, bool overwrite = true, bool keepStringQuotes = false)
intTQTaggable::importTags(const TQTaggable* tags, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false)
intTQTaggable::importTags(shared_ptr<TQTaggable> tags, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false)
intTQTaggable::importTags(const TQTaggable& tags, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false)
intTQTaggable::importTagsWithoutPrefix(const TQTaggable* tags, const TString& prefix, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false)
intTQTaggable::importTagsWithoutPrefix(const TQTaggable& tags, const TString& prefix, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false)
intTQTaggable::importTagsWithPrefix(TString tags, const TString& prefix, bool overwrite = true, bool keepStringQuotes = false, TString fallbackKey = "")
intTQTaggable::importTagsWithPrefix(const TQTaggable* tags, const TString& prefix, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false, TString fallbackKey = "")
intTQTaggable::importTagsWithPrefix(const TQTaggable& tags, const TString& prefix, bool overwrite = true, bool recursive = false, TString fallbackKey = "")
intTQTaggable::importTagWithPrefix(const TString& tag, const TString& prefix, bool overwrite = true, TString fallbackKey = "", bool keepStringQuotes = false)
virtual voidTObject::Info(const char* method, const char* msgfmt,...) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const char* classname) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::InheritsFrom(const TClass* cl) const
virtual voidTObject::Inspect() constMENU
voidTObject::InvertBit(UInt_t f)
virtual TClass*IsA() const
Bool_tTObject::IsDestructed() const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const
virtual Bool_tTObject::IsFolder() const
Bool_tTObject::IsOnHeap() const
virtual Bool_tTNamed::IsSortable() const
boolTQTaggable::isTagOverwrittenByDescendants(TString key)
static boolTQTaggable::isValidKey(const TString& key)
Bool_tTObject::IsZombie() const
virtual voidTNamed::ls(Option_t* option = "") const
static TList*TQTaggable::makeListOfTags(TList* unTags)
const TList&makeTList(const TString& sep = ",")
TList*makeTListPtr(const TString& sep = ",")
intmarkDifferences(TQTable* other, const TString& color, int colID = -1, int rowID = -1, const TString& format = "plain")
voidTObject::MayNotUse(const char* method) const
voidmerge(TQTable* other)
virtual Bool_tTObject::Notify()
voidTObject::Obsolete(const char* method, const char* asOfVers, const char* removedFromVers) const
virtual voidTQTaggable::onAccess(TQValue* tag)
virtual voidTQTaggable::onRead(TQValue* tag)
virtual voidTQTaggable::onWrite(TQValue* tag)
const TList&operator const TList &()
voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr)
voidTObject::operator delete(void* ptr, void* vp)
voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr)
voidTObject::operator delete[](void* ptr, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new(size_t sz, void* vp)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz)
void*TObject::operator new[](size_t sz, void* vp)
TList*operator TList *()
TQTable*operator=(TList* l)
TQTable&operator=(TList& l)
TList*operator=(TQTable* t)
TQTable&operator=(const TQTable&)
virtual voidTObject::Paint(Option_t* option = "")
static TQTaggable*TQTaggable::parseFlags(const TString& flags)
boolTQTaggable::parseKey(TString key, TString& bareKey, int& opUp, int& opDown)
static TQTaggable*TQTaggable::parseParameterList(const TString& parameter, const TString& sep = ",", bool trim = true, const TString& blocks = "", const TString& quotes = "")
virtual voidTObject::Pop()
boolprint(TQTaggable& tags)
boolprint(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprint(const TString& tags)
boolprint(const char* tags)
virtual voidTNamed::Print(Option_t* option = "") const
boolprint(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
boolprint(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprint(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
boolprint(ostream* out, const char* tags)
boolprint(ostream* output, const TString& format, TQTaggable tags)
intTQTaggable::printClaim(const TString& definition)
boolprintCSV(TQTaggable& tags)
boolprintCSV(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintCSV(const TString& tags)
boolprintCSV(const char* tags)
boolprintCSV(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
boolprintCSV(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintCSV(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
boolprintCSV(ostream* out, const char* tags)
boolTQTaggable::printDiffOfTags(TQTaggable* tags, const TString& options = "")
boolTQTaggable::printDiffOfTags(TQTaggable* tags, TQTaggable& options)
boolprintHTML(TQTaggable& tags)
boolprintHTML(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintHTML(const TString& tags)
boolprintHTML(const char* tags)
boolprintHTML(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
boolprintHTML(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintHTML(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
boolprintHTML(ostream* out, const char* tags)
boolprintLaTeX(TQTaggable& tags)
boolprintLaTeX(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintLaTeX(const TString& tags)
boolprintLaTeX(const char* tags)
boolprintLaTeX(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
boolprintLaTeX(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintLaTeX(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
boolprintLaTeX(ostream* out, const char* tags)
boolprintPlain(TQTaggable& tags)
boolprintPlain(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintPlain(const TString& tags)
boolprintPlain(const char* tags)
boolprintPlain(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
boolprintPlain(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolprintPlain(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
boolprintPlain(ostream* out, const char* tags)
voidTQTaggable::printTags(TString options = "r")
virtual Int_tTObject::Read(const char* name)
intreadColumn(TQTable* other, const TString& colname, const TString& matchcolname)
intreadColumn(TQTable* other, const TString& colname, int thismatchcol, int othermatchcol)
intreadColumn(TQTable* other, int col, int thismatchcol, int othermatchcol)
voidreadCSV(istream* input, const TString& sep = ",", const TString& leftquote = "\"", const TString& rightquote = "\"")
boolreadCSVfile(const TString& fname, const TString& sep = ",", const TString& leftquote = "\"", const TString& rightquote = "\"")
voidreadHTML(istream* input)
boolreadHTMLfile(const TString& fname)
voidreadLaTeX(istream* input)
boolreadLaTeXfile(const TString& fname)
voidreadTSV(istream* input, const TString& seps = " \t", int nsepmin = 1)
boolreadTSVfile(const TString& fname, const TString& seps = " \t", int ignoreHeadLines = 0, int nsepmin = 1)
virtual voidTObject::RecursiveRemove(TObject* obj)
voidremoveEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
static boolTQTaggable::removeGlobalTaggable(const char* name)
static boolTQTaggable::removeGlobalTaggable(const TString& name)
intTQTaggable::removeTag(const TString& key)
intTQTaggable::removeTags(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::renameTag(const TString& oldKey, const TString& newKey)
intTQTaggable::renameTags(const TString& oldPrefix, const TString& newPrefix)
stringTQTaggable::replaceInStandardString(const TString& in, bool keepQuotes = false)
stringTQTaggable::replaceInStandardString(const TString& in, const char* prefix, bool keepQuotes = false)
stringTQTaggable::replaceInStandardString(const TString& in, const TString& prefix, bool keepQuotes = false)
stringTQTaggable::replaceInStandardStringRecursive(TString in, const TString& prefix = "", bool keepQuotes = false)
intTQTaggable::replaceInTags(TQTaggable& params, const TString& tagFilter = "*")
TStringTQTaggable::replaceInText(const TString& in, bool keepQuotes = false)
TStringTQTaggable::replaceInText(const TString& in, const char* prefix, bool keepQuotes = false)
TStringTQTaggable::replaceInText(const TString& in, const TString& prefix, bool keepQuotes = false)
TStringTQTaggable::replaceInText(const TString& in, int& nReplaced, int& nFailed, bool keepQuotes = false)
TStringTQTaggable::replaceInText(TString in, int& nReplaced, int& nFailed, const TString& prefix, bool keepQuotes = false)
TStringTQTaggable::replaceInTextRecursive(TString in, const TString& prefix = "", bool keepQuotes = false)
voidTObject::ResetBit(UInt_t f)
virtual voidTQTaggable::resetReadFlags()
virtual voidTObject::SaveAs(const char* filename = "", Option_t* option = "") constMENU
virtual voidTObject::SavePrimitive(ostream& out, Option_t* option = "")
intsetAllEntriesWhere(const TString& searchCol, const TString& searchVal, const TString& setCol, const TString& setVal, const TString& searchFormat = "ascii", const TString& setFormat = "ascii")
voidsetAutoExpand(bool val)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f)
voidTObject::SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
voidsetColAlign(unsigned int i, TString align)
voidsetColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, const TString& value)
voidsetColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, const char* value)
voidsetColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, double value)
voidsetColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, int value)
virtual voidTObject::SetDrawOption(Option_t* option = "")MENU
static voidTObject::SetDtorOnly(void* obj)
boolsetEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& content, const TString& format = "")
boolsetEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const char* content, const TString& format = "")
boolsetEntryValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int content)
boolsetEntryValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double content)
boolsetEntryValueAndSplitUncertainties(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value, double statUncert, double sysUncert)
boolsetEntryValueAndUncertainty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value, double uncertainty)
voidsetFromTList(TList& l)
voidsetFromTList(TList* l)
voidTQTaggable::setGlobalIgnoreCase(bool globalIgnoreCase = true)
voidTQTaggable::setGlobalOverwrite(bool globalOverwrite = true)
boolsetHline(int row = 1, int type = 1)
voidsetListContents(TList* l, const TString& sep)
virtual voidTQNamedTaggable::setName(const TString& newName)
virtual voidTNamed::SetName(const char* name)MENU
virtual voidTNamed::SetNameTitle(const char* name, const char* title)
static voidTObject::SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat)
boolsetProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, const TString& value)
boolsetProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, const char* value)
boolsetProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, double value)
boolsetProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, int value)
voidsetRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, const TString& value)
voidsetRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, const char* value)
voidsetRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, double value)
voidsetRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, int value)
intTQTaggable::setTag(const TString& key, double value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const TString& key, int value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const TString& key, bool value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const TString& key, const TString& value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const TString& key, const char* value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const char* key, double value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const char* key, int value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const char* key, bool value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const char* key, const TString& value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(const char* key, const char* value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTagAuto(const TString& key, TString value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTagBool(TString key, bool value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTagDouble(TString key, double value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTagInteger(TString key, int value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTagList(const TString& key, TString value, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTagString(TString key, const TString& value, const TString& destination = "")
virtual voidTQNamedTaggable::setTitle(const TString& newTitle)
virtual voidTNamed::SetTitle(const char* title = "")MENU
virtual voidTObject::SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
boolsetVline(int col = 1, int type = 1)
virtual voidShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp) const
virtual Int_tTNamed::Sizeof() const
virtual voidStreamer(TBuffer&)
voidStreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b)
virtual voidTObject::SysError(const char* method, const char* msgfmt,...) const
boolTQTaggable::tagIsOfTypeBool(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::tagIsOfTypeDouble(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::tagIsOfTypeInteger(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::tagIsOfTypeString(const TString& key)
boolTQTaggable::tagsAreEquivalentTo(TQTaggable* tags, const TString& filter = "")
Bool_tTObject::TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Int_tTObject::TestBits(UInt_t f) const
TQTable(const TString& name)
TQTable(const TQTable* other)
TQTable(const TQTable& other)
TQTable(TList* l)
virtual voidTObject::UseCurrentStyle()
virtual voidTObject::Warning(const char* method, const char* msgfmt,...) const
boolwrite(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
boolwrite(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolwrite(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
boolwrite(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
boolwrite(const TString& fname, const TString& format, TQTaggable& tags)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0)
virtual Int_tTObject::Write(const char* name = 0, Int_t option = 0, Int_t bufsize = 0) const
boolwriteCSV(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
boolwriteCSV(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolwriteCSV(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
boolwriteCSV(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
boolwriteHTML(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
boolwriteHTML(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolwriteHTML(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
boolwriteHTML(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
boolwriteLaTeX(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
boolwriteLaTeX(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolwriteLaTeX(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
boolwriteLaTeX(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
boolwritePlain(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
boolwritePlain(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
boolwritePlain(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
boolwritePlain(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
intTQTaggable::countTagDown(const TString& key)
intTQTaggable::countTagUp(const TString& key)
virtual voidTObject::DoError(int level, const char* location, const char* fmt, va_list va) const
TQValue*TQTaggable::findTag(TString name)
TStringformatEntryContents(TQTaggable* entry, const TString& format = "plain")
TQTaggable*getEntryInternal(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
TQTaggable*getEntryInternal(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool ensure)
boolTQTaggable::getOp(const TString& op, int& opCode)
boolTQTaggable::getTag(const TString& key, TQValue*& tag)
TStringmakeExpSuffix(int exponent, const TString& format, bool useSIsuffix)
boolsetContent(TQTaggable* entry, const TString& content, TString prior = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(TQValue* tag, const TString& destination = "")
intTQTaggable::setTag(TQValue* tag, const TString& destination, bool overwrite)
virtual Bool_tCheckTObjectHashConsistency() const

Data Members

static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kBitMask
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kCanDelete
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kCannotPick
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kHasUUID
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kInconsistent
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kInvalidObject
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kIsOnHeap
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kIsReferenced
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kMustCleanup
static TObject::EStatusBitsTObject::kNoContextMenu
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kNotDeleted
static TObject::EDeprecatedStatusBitsTObject::kObjInCanvas
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kOverwrite
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kSingleKey
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kWriteDelete
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kZombie
TStringTNamed::fNameobject identifier
TStringTNamed::fTitleobject title
static TObject::(anonymous)TObject::kOnlyPrepStep
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpADD
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpAND
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpCNT
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpMULT
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpNone
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpOR
static TQTaggable::(anonymous)TQTaggable::kOpRec
unsigned intncols
unsigned intnfields
unsigned intnrows
static map<TString,shared_ptr<TQTaggable> >TQTaggable::sGlobalTaggables

Class Charts

Inheritance Chart:

Function documentation

 default constructor
TQTable(const TString& name)
 default constructor (with name)
TQTable(const TQTable* other)
 copy constructor for TQTable class
TQTable(const TQTable& other)
 copy constructor for TQTable class
TQTable(TList* l)
 converting constructor for TQTable class from TList
void merge(TQTable* other)
 append the extra lines from another instance to this one (merge)
int appendLines(const TQTable& other, int startAt = 0, bool ignoreHlines = false)
 append the lines from another instance to this one (deep copy)
int appendLines(const TQTable* other, int startAt = 0, bool ignoreHlines = false)
 append the lines from another instance to this one (deep copy)
 default destructor
int getNcols()
 return the number of columns
int getNrows()
 return the number of rows
bool setVline(int col = 1, int type = 1)
 define the vertical line between columns
 col-1 and col to be of the given type
 supported types are:
 0: no line
 1: single solid line (black)
 2: double solid line (black)
void clearColAlign()
 clear all predefined column horizontal alignments
void setColAlign(unsigned int i, TString align)
 set the horizontal alignment of the given column
 known alignments are
 l: left-aligned
 r: right-aligned
 c: centered
if(col < 0) col = this->ncols - col; //this condition is always false
TString getColAlign(unsigned int col)
 retrieve the horizontal alignment of the given column
@tag: colAlign Sets the default alignment of columns. Default "c", other values "l","r".
TString getColAlignHTML(unsigned int col)
 retrieve the horizontal alignment of the given column
 this function returns the html-aliases for the alignments, i.e.
 "center" for centered
 "right" for right-aligned
 "left" for left-aligned
bool setHline(int row = 1, int type = 1)
 define the vertical line between rows
 row-1 and row to be of the given type
 supported types are:
 0: no line
 1: single solid line (black)
 2: double solid line (black)
bool clearVlines()
 clear all vertical lines
bool clearHlines()
 clear all horizontal lines
bool readCSVfile(const TString& fname, const TString& sep = ",", const TString& leftquote = "\"", const TString& rightquote = "\"")
 aquire table data from the given CSV-formatted file
bool readTSVfile(const TString& fname, const TString& seps = " \t", int ignoreHeadLines = 0, int nsepmin = 1)
 aquire table data from the given TSV-formatted file
bool readLaTeXfile(const TString& fname)
 aquire table data from the given LaTeX-formatted file
bool readHTMLfile(const TString& fname)
 aquire table data from the given HTML-formatted file
void readCSV(istream* input, const TString& sep = ",", const TString& leftquote = "\"", const TString& rightquote = "\"")
 aquire table data from the given CSV-formatted stream
void readTSV(istream* input, const TString& seps = " \t", int nsepmin = 1)
 aquire table data from the given TSV-formatted stream
void readHTML(istream* input)
 aquire table data from the given HTML-formatted stream
 TODO: parse style tags
void readLaTeX(istream* input)
 aquire table data from the given LaTeX-formatted stream
bool print(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
 print table data to the given stream. format can specified by style tags.
bool print(ostream* output, const TString& format, TQTaggable tags)
 print table data to the given stream. format is specifiec explicitly,
bool printCSV(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
 print table data to the given stream. format is CSV and can specified by style tags.
bool printHTML(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
 print table data to the given stream. format is HTML and can specified by style tags.
bool printLaTeX(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
 print table data to the given stream. format is LaTeX and can specified by style tags.
bool printPlain(ostream* out, TQTaggable tags)
 print table data to the given stream. format is plain ascii/unicode and can specified by style tags.
TQTaggable* getEntryInternal(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool ensure)
 retrieve the object representing the table entry at row i and column j
 if create is true, missing entries will be created
TQTaggable* getEntryInternal(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
 retrieve the object representing the table entry at row i and column j
int getEntryInteger(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool sanitizeString = true)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 as an integer. If sanitizeString is true all blanks (whitespaces) are removed
 from the string representation before the conversion to int.
double getEntryDouble(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool sanitizeString = true)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 as a double. If sanitizeString is true all blanks (whitespaces) are removed
 from the string representation before the conversion to double.
TString getEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, TString format = "plain")
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 in the given format
TString getEntryPlain(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, bool allowUnicode = true)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 in plain ascii/unicode format
TQTaggable* getEntryTags(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j as a TQTaggable
TString getEntryVerbatim(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 as verbatim text
TString getEntryUnicode(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 in Unicode-Format
TString getEntryASCII(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 in ASCII-Format
TString getEntryHTML(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 in HTML format
TString makeExpSuffix(int exponent, const TString& format, bool useSIsuffix)
 create the exponential suffix associated with the given exponent
 in the given format ('ascii', 'unicode', 'latex', 'html', ...)
 if useSIsuffix is true, SI suffices (... m, k, M, G, ...) will be used instead
void setup()
 initialize some sensible formatting defaults

 the formatting is saved as tags on the TQTable object and is accessed on writing the data
 the values can be accessed and changed easily

 the tag naming convention is as follows:
 formatting is controled by
 where $OBJECT refers to the object to be formatted, e.g.
 expsuffix  : exponential suffix, e.g. '*10^7'
 integer  : integer numbers
 double  : floating point numbers
 integerWithSuffix : integer numbers with suffix, e.g. 3*10^7
 doubleWithSuffix : floating point numbers with suffix, e.g. 3.5*10^7
 doubleAndUncertainty : floating point numbers with uncertainty, e.g. 3.5 +/- 0.2
 doubleAndUncertaintyWithSuffix : floating point numbers with uncertainty and suffix, e.g. (3.5 +/- 0.2)*10^7
 doubleWithSuffixAndUncertaintyWithSuffix : floating point numbers with uncertainty and suffix, e.g. 3.5*10^7 +/- 0.2*10^7
 doubleAndRelativeUncertainty : floating point numbers with relative uncertainty, e.g. 3.5 +/- 5%
 doubleWithSuffixAndRelativeUncertainty : floating point numbers with suffix and relative uncertainty, e.g. 3.5*10^7 +/- 5%
 symbols are controled by
 where $SYMBOL refers to the symbol to be displayed, e.g.,
 posInf : symbol used for positively infinite numbers
 negInf : symbol used for negatively infinite numbers
 NaN : symbol used for invalid numerical expressions (NaN)
 in each case, $FORMAT refers to any of the supported output formats, that is
 latex, html, ascii, unicode
TString formatEntryContents(TQTaggable* entry, const TString& format = "plain")
 format the entry contents in the given object according to the predefined formatting
 this function will make use of the formatting tags set previously
TString getEntryLaTeX(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 retrieve the table entry at row i and column j
 in LaTeX format
int setAllEntriesWhere(const TString& searchCol, const TString& searchVal, const TString& setCol, const TString& setVal, const TString& searchFormat = "ascii", const TString& setFormat = "ascii")
 database function
 find all rows where searchCol takes a value matching searchVal in searchFormat
 in these rows, set setCol to setVal in setFormat
bool setEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& content, const TString& format = "")
 set the table entry at row i and column j to the given content
 input format can be specified with last argument and will be guessed automatically if left empty
 contents will automatically be converted into all supported output formats
 if you do not want this or want to edit individual representations
 without afflicting other formats, please use
 TQTable::setProperty( ... )
bool setEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const char* content, const TString& format = "")
 set the table entry at row i and column j to the given content
 input format can be specified with last argument and will be guessed automatically if left empty
 contents will automatically be converted into all supported output formats
 if you do not want this or want to edit individual representations
 without afflicting other formats, please use
 TQTable::setProperty( ... )
bool setEntryValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double content)
 set the table entry at row i and column j to the given numerical content
double getEntryValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double defaultval)
 get the table entry at row i and column j
bool setEntryValueAndUncertainty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value, double uncertainty)
 set the table entry at row i and column j to the given numerical content
bool setEntryValueAndSplitUncertainties(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, double value, double statUncert, double sysUncert)
 set the table entry at row i and column j to the given numerical content
bool setEntryValue(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int content)
 set the table entry at row i and column j to the given numerical content
void setAutoExpand(bool val)
 (de)activate automatic table expansion
bool getAutoExpand()
 retrieve activation status of automatic table expansion
bool expand(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 expand the table to have at least i rows and j columns
int clear()
int cleanup()
 clean the table, removing empty entries
bool shrink()
 shrink the table, removing empty rows and columns
bool copyRow(unsigned int sourceRow, unsigned int targetRow, bool ignoreProperties = false)
 copy a full row
void clearRow(unsigned int row)
 clear/delete the row with given index
void clearCol(unsigned int col)
 clear/delete the column with given index
bool hasEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 check if entry at row i and column j exists
void removeEntry(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 remove entry at row i and column j
bool setProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, const TString& value)
 set a property/style tag for entry at row i and column j
bool setProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, const char* value)
 set a property/style tag for entry at row i and column j
bool setProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, double value)
 set a property/style tag for entry at row i and column j
bool setProperty(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, const TString& key, int value)
void setColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, const TString& value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in column j
void setColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, const char* value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in column j
void setColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, double value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in column j
void setColProperty(unsigned int j, const TString& key, int value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in column j
void setRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, const TString& value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in row i
void setRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, const char* value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in row i
void setRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, double value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in row i
void setRowProperty(unsigned int i, const TString& key, int value)
 set a property/style tag for all entries in row i
bool write(const TString& fname, const TString& format, TQTaggable& tags)
 write table data to the given file
 format is specified explicitly
 style is given via tags
bool write(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
 write table data to the given file
 format and style can be specified with tags
bool writeCSV(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
 write table data to the given file in CSV format
 format and style can be further specified with tags
bool writeHTML(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
 write table data to the given file in HTML format
 format and style can be further specified with tags
bool writeLaTeX(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
 write table data to the given file in LaTeX format
 format and style can be further specified with tags
bool writePlain(const TString& fname, TQTaggable& tags)
 write table data to the given file in plain ascii/unicode art format
 format and style can be further specified with tags
bool print(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->print(out,*tags); return this->print(out,"format=unicode"); }
bool printCSV(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->printCSV(out,*tags); return this->printCSV(out,"format=csv"); }
bool printHTML(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->printHTML(out,*tags); return this->printHTML(out,"format=html"); }
bool printLaTeX(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->printLaTeX(out,*tags); return this->printLaTeX(out,"format=latex"); }
bool printPlain(ostream* out, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->printPlain(out,*tags); return this->printPlain(out,"format=unicode"); }
bool print(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->print (out,tmp); }
bool printCSV(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printCSV (out,tmp); }
bool printHTML(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printHTML (out,tmp); }
bool printLaTeX(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printLaTeX(out,tmp); }
bool printPlain(ostream* out, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printPlain(out,tmp); }
bool print(ostream* out, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->print (out,tmp); }
bool printCSV(ostream* out, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printCSV (out,tmp); }
bool printHTML(ostream* out, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printHTML (out,tmp); }
bool printLaTeX(ostream* out, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printLaTeX(out,tmp); }
bool printPlain(ostream* out, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->printPlain(out,tmp); }
bool print(TQTaggable& tags)
{ return this->print (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printCSV(TQTaggable& tags)
{ return this->printCSV (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printHTML(TQTaggable& tags)
{ return this->printHTML (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printLaTeX(TQTaggable& tags)
{ return this->printLaTeX(&std::cout,tags); }
bool printPlain(TQTaggable& tags)
{ return this->printPlain(&std::cout,tags); }
bool print(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ return this->print (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printCSV(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ return this->printCSV (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printHTML(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ return this->printHTML (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printLaTeX(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ return this->printLaTeX(&std::cout,tags); }
bool printPlain(TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ return this->printPlain(&std::cout,tags); }
bool print(const TString& tags)
{ return this->print (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printCSV(const TString& tags)
{ return this->printCSV (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printHTML(const TString& tags)
{ return this->printHTML (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printLaTeX(const TString& tags)
{ return this->printLaTeX(&std::cout,tags); }
bool printPlain(const TString& tags)
{ return this->printPlain(&std::cout,tags); }
bool print(const char* tags)
{ return this->print (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printCSV(const char* tags)
{ return this->printCSV (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printHTML(const char* tags)
{ return this->printHTML (&std::cout,tags); }
bool printLaTeX(const char* tags)
{ return this->printLaTeX(&std::cout,tags); }
bool printPlain(const char* tags)
{ return this->printPlain(&std::cout,tags); }
bool write(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->write (fname,tmp); }
bool writeCSV(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writeCSV (fname,tmp); }
bool writeHTML(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writeHTML (fname,tmp); }
bool writeLaTeX(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writeLaTeX(fname,tmp); }
bool writePlain(const TString& fname, const TString& tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writePlain(fname,tmp); }
bool write(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->write (fname,tmp); }
bool writeCSV(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writeCSV (fname,tmp); }
bool writeHTML(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writeHTML (fname,tmp); }
bool writeLaTeX(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writeLaTeX(fname,tmp); }
bool writePlain(const TString& fname, const char* tags)
{ TQTaggable tmp(tags); return this->writePlain(fname,tmp); }
bool write(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->write(fname,*tags); return this->write(fname,""); }
bool writeCSV(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->writeCSV(fname,*tags); return this->writeCSV(fname,"format=csv"); }
bool writeHTML(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->writeHTML(fname,*tags); return this->write(fname,"format=html"); }
bool writeLaTeX(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->writeLaTeX(fname,*tags); return this->write(fname,"format=latex"); }
bool writePlain(const TString& fname, TQTaggable* tags = __null)
{ if(tags) return this->writePlain(fname,*tags); return this->write(fname,"format=unicode"); }
bool setContent(TQTaggable* entry, const TString& content, TString prior = "")
 set the content tags on a given object
 this function will automatically convert the text into all supported formats
 this is an internal function accessed by TQTable::setEntry( ... )
TString getRowAsCSV(int row, const TString& sep = ",")
 retrieve the given row as a CSV formatted string
TString getDetails()
 retrieve table details as a string
void dump()
 dump all essential data members to the console
const TList& makeTList(const TString& sep = ",")
 convert to a TList
void addToListContents(TList* l, const TString& sep)
 append contents to a TList
void setListContents(TList* l, const TString& sep)
 set the contents of a TList to the contents of this table
TList* makeTListPtr(const TString& sep = ",")
 convert to a TList
void setFromTList(TList& l)
 import data from a TList
void setFromTList(TList* l)
 import data from a TList
std::map<TString,TString> getMap(const TString& key, const TString& value, const TString& keyformat = "ascii", const TString& valformat = "ascii")
 retrieve a std::map, mapping entries of column labeled 'key' to entries of column labeled 'value'
 formatting can be controlled with 'keyformat' and 'valformat'
std::map<TString,TString> getMap(unsigned int keyidx, unsigned int validx, const TString& keyformat = "ascii", const TString& valformat = "ascii", bool skipfirstline = false)
 retrieve a std::map, mapping entries of column keyidx to entries of column validx
 formatting can be controlled with 'keyformat' and 'valformat'
 if skipfirstline is true, the first row will be skipped
int findColumn(TString colname, bool caseSensitive)
int findColumn(TString colname, int row = 0, bool caseSensitive = true)
 retrieve the index of a column with the given name
 return -1 if none found
int findRow(TString content, int column = 0, bool caseSensitive = true)
 retrieve the index of a row where the given column has the given content
 return -1 if none found
int readColumn(TQTable* other, const TString& colname, const TString& matchcolname)
 read a column from another table
int readColumn(TQTable* other, const TString& colname, int thismatchcol, int othermatchcol)
 read a column from another table
int readColumn(TQTable* other, int col, int thismatchcol, int othermatchcol)
 read a column from another table
int markDifferences(TQTable* other, const TString& color, int colID = -1, int rowID = -1, const TString& format = "plain")
 Set the background color of this table's cells to 'color' if
 the cell content does not match the content of the corresponding
 cell in the other table. The equivalence of cell contents is
 evaluated based on the content for the specified format.

 If the table dimensions do not match no changes are performed and
 false is returned unless for the mismatched dimension a column/row
 number is given which should be used to identify the row/column to
 be compared to.
TQTable* operator=(TList* l)
TQTable& operator=(TList& l)
TList* operator=(TQTable* t)