Tags | Description |
| TQABCDCalculator.cxx |
verbosity | This argument tag sets the verbosity level of the TQABCDCalculator object. |
pathMC, pathData | This argument tag defines the sample folder paths of the MC and data samples used for the calculation. |
cutA, cutB, cutC, cutD | These argument tags set the name of the cut used as the definition of the phase space regions A, B, C and D, respectively. |
name, path | These argument tags (set on subfolders of the TQFolder passed to TQABCDCalculator::readConfiguration) define the names and paths of the MC samples which are subtracted from data in the ABCD regions. Defaults: name: name of the subfolder, path: name |
readScaleScheme | This object tag defines the name of the scale scheme used when retrieving the input quantities. Default: ".abcd.read" . |
applyNonClosureCorrection | If this object tag is set to true, an additional non-closure factor (A/B) / (C/D) (all from MC) is applied. Default: false |
writeScaleScheme | This vector valued object tag defines the names of the scale schemes the result of the calculation is written to. Default: ".default" |
targetPath | This object tag defines the sample folder path, the calculated NF is applied/written to. Default: path set via config passed to TQABCDCalculator::readConfiguration, argument tag "pathMC". |
nfListPattern | This object tag specifies the pattern of the folder name (inside the "info" folder) where information about the existence of the NF is stored. Default: ".cut.%s+" (the "+" enforces creation of the folder if it is not existing yet) |
processTitleKey | This object tag defines the name of the process tag from which the title of the normalized process is obtained. Default: "style.default.title" |
| TQAnalysisSampleVisitor.cxx |
.asv.generalize.<objectType> | These folder tags determine if objects of type "<objectType>" (=histograms, counter, countergrid) should be generalized using TQSampleFolder::generalizeObjects. Default: true |
.asv.analysis.nentries | This sample tag is set by TQAnalysisSampleVisitor, containing the (raw) number of events analyzed in a tree. |
usemcweights | This sample tag controlls if (MC) weights are applied for the respective sample. |
| TQCompPlotter.cxx |
style.topLegend | If this argument tag is set to true, the legend is shown at the top of the plot. Default: false. |
style.ratioTopMargin | This argument tag sets the top margin for ratio plots. Default: 0.015 |
style.tickLength | This argument tag controls the length of the x- and y-axis ticks. Default: 0.03 |
style.sub.yAxis.nDiv | This tag controls the number of divisions/ticks of the sub plot. The number of top level ticks is given by the two least significant digits (in decimal notation). The second two least significant digits determine the number of sub divisions (smaller ticks), the thrid least significant set of two digits controls the sub-sub-devisions. Default: 510 (10 top level divisions, 5 sub divisions) |
normalization | This argument tag allows to normalize histograms. Integral is normalized to the given value. |
style.showUnderflow, style.showOverflow | This argument tag controls if under/overflow bins are shown in the histogram. Default: false. |
style.showEventYields | show event yields (integral counts) in the legend |
style.showEventYields.useUnderOverflow | include underflow and overflow in the event yields displayed in the legend (default:true) |
style.nLegendCols | number of columns to be shown in legend |
style.legendHeight | scaling factor for height of the legend |
geometry.legend.xMin, geometry.legend.xMax, geometry.legend.yMin, geometry.legend.yMax | control the geometry of the legend in relative coordinates |
style.showMissing | show empty legend entries where histogram is empty or could not be retrieved (default:true) |
style.useLegendPad | put the legend on a separate pad on the side of the plot |
style.legend.fillColor, style.legend.fillStyle | control color and style of the legend with TLegend::SetFillColor and TLegend::SetFillStyle. defaults are 0. |
style.legend.textSize | control the font size (floating point number, default is 0.032) |
style.legend.textSizeFixed | boolean to control whether the text size will be interpreted relative to canvas size (default) or absolute |
style.overrideTotalBkgRequirement | usually, 1D plots without background are skipped. force plotting data/signal only with this option. |
style.showRatio | control what is shown in the sub-plot. all of these default to 'false', only showing the main plot. if any of these are set to true, the corresponding sub plot is shown. only one sub plot can be shown at a time.
style.showRatio: show the ratio between data and signal+bkg |
geometry.main.* | control geometry parameters of the main pad |
style.*.drawOptions | control the draw options of this process (default: 'hist' for MC, 'ep' for data) |
| TQCut.cxx |
.name, .title | These folder tags determine the name and title of the cut when importing the cut definition from a TQFolder. |
.cutExpression, .weightExpression | These folder tags determine the cut and weight expressions of the cut when importing the cut definition from a TQFolder. Defaults are the values of TQValue objects with the same name as the corresponding tag, if these TQValue objects are found in the TQFolder. Otherwise default is an empty string "". |
.skipJobs | Folder tag when creating cut hierarchy from a TQFolder structure. Allows to ignore all analysis jobs attached to the particular cut. Default: false. |
.printResults | Folder tag when creating cut hierarchy from a TQFolder structure. If set and not 0 will print results of evaluation of first n events of the current sample seen by this cut (weights only if cut is passed). If n is negative all event seen by this cut are printed. |
standalone | If this argument tag is set to true, standalone LaTeX document with the cut diagrams is created. Default: false |
format | This argument tag sets the format in which the cut diagram is produced. Default: "tikz" (other formats are currently not cupported) |
nodes.color, nodes.opacity, nodes.width, nodes.padding, nodes.height, nodes.distance | These argument tags define how nodes are drawn in the cut diagram produced in tikz/LaTeX format. Defaults (in order): "blue", 20, "10em", "2.5pt", "2em", "0.1cm" |
jobs.color, jobs.opacity, jobs.padding | These argument tags define how jobs (cuts) are drawn in the cut diagram produced in tikz/LaTeX format. Defaults (in order): "red", 20, "2.5pt" |
showJobs | If this argument tag is set to true, the analysis jobs book at each cut are shown in the cut diagram. |
.nAnalysisJobs | This folder tag is set when exporting a TQCut to a TQFolder containing the number of analysis jobs booked at the cut. |
~.cc.skipAnalysisJobs | SampleFolder tag specifying a csv list of cuts where the execution of analysis jobs should be skipped. |
.cc.nSkippedAnalysisJobs.<cutName> | This sampleFolder tag contains the number of analysis jobs skipped. |
| TQCutflowPlotter.cxx |
format | Sets the format in which the cut flow is plotted. Default: "tikz", other values: "plain". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
standalone | If this argument tag is set to true, tikz formated output is produced as a standalone version. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.plain.sep | This tag specifies the seperator used in plain text output. Default: ", ". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.plain.leadCellContent | This tag specifies the content of the top left cell in plain text output. Default: "Cut/Process". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
.path | This process tag specifies the location of the process in the TQFolder structure. |
.name | This cut/process tag specifies the name of the respective cut/process |
style.normalize | If this tag is set to true, the cutflow is normalized such that the sum of all processes at one cut stage is one. Default: false. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
.style | This process tag specifies the style used in tikz output for the respective process. If it is not set on the process, it is retrieved from the common base folder of the folders belonging to this process. |
~style.default.histFillColor | This (sample-)folder tag specifies the fill color used for processes for which folder is the common base folder. |
~style.default.histLineColor | This (sample-)folder tag specifies the line color used for processes for which folder is the common base folder. |
style.tikz.lineHeight | This tag determines the line height in tikz formated output. Default: "1.5em". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.tikz.width | This tag determines the width in tikz formated output. Default: "3cm". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.tikz.enlargeLimits | This tag determines value of the "enlarge y limits" option in tikz formated output. Default: "5pt". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.tikz.reverseYordering | If this tag is set to true, the option "y dir=reverse" is added for tikz formated output. Default: true. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.tikz.normalize | If this tag is set to true, the following options are added for tikz formated output: "scaled x ticks=false", "x tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed}", "enlarge x limits=false". If set to false, "enlarge x limits=upper" is used. Default: true. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.tikz.barWidth | This tag specifies the bar width for tikz formated output. Default: "10pt". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.showLegend | If this tag is set to true, a legend is added to tikz formated output. Default: false. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
| TQCutflowPrinter.cxx |
.special | If this process tag is set, the process is marked as a special process. Possible values are "ratio", "pull" and "significance" |
.scaleScheme | This cut tag can be used to use a different set of NFs. If not specified defaults to '.default' |
significance.bkgErrorFromPath | This global("master") tag allows to specify a list of paths (including (channel) and (campaign) placeholders) to be used to determine a (systematic) uncertainty of the background estimate to be used with the Poisson significance estimate with accounting for a background systematics estimate (see https://cds.cern.ch/record/2643488/files/ATL-COM-GEN-2018-026.pdf). The usual path arithmetics can be used to, e.g., define the error to be a fraction of some process' yield: "0.3*bkg/(channel)/(campaign)/fakes" . If multiple, comma seperated paths are given they are summed in quadrature to determine the full systematic uncertainty. |
style.cutline, style.cellWidth, style.firstColumnWidth, style.cellAlign, style.firstColumnAlign, style.precision, style.usePercNotn, style.useExpNotn | These tags control various style settings for the cell contents of the cutflow table. The tags "cutline" (default: true) and "usePercNotn" (default:false) are boolean valued tags, all others are integer valued tags. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
style.latex | Boolean argument tag determining if cutflow is produced in LaTeX format. Default: true. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
.showErrors | If this tag is set to true, uncertainties are shown in addition to nominal values. Default: true. argument tag overrides object tag. |
.showRaw | If this process tag is set to true, raw numbers are shown instead of weighted ones. Default: false. |
style.default.showRaw | If this tag is set to true, raw numbers are shown everywhere instead of weighted ones. Default: false. |
| TQDefaultPlotter.cxx |
style.subPlot | Activate a sub plot. Available options are "ratio", "cutopt", "cutopt-highpass", "cutopt-lowpass", "dmb" (data minus background), none (equivalent to not setting the tag). If the main histogram is 2D, subplots will be deactivated. |
geometry.sub.height | Set the height of the sub pad as a fraction of the full height (default 0.35) |
geometry.main.* | control geometry parameters of the main pad |
style.logScaleX | control whether the subplot will be shown in logX scale (default:false) |
geometry.labels.xPos | Set the position of the default labels (ATLAS, xsec, lumi, ...). The value specifies the left edge. (Default: 0.2) |
geometry.labels.yPos | Set the position of the default labels (ATLAS, xsec, lumi, ...). The value specifies the top edge. (Default: 0.86) |
labels.atlas | draw ATLAS label. If "true" or "false", label is drawn/not drawn. If set to any other string, this string will be displayed after the ATLAS label (eg. "Internal") |
labels.atlas.scale | scale of the addition to the ATLAS label (Internal, Private, ...). Defaults to 1.25 if neither of the two tags are present |
scale | of the ATLAS label wrt other text size (1.25 by default) |
labels.atlas.yPos | Set a different y position for the ATLAS label than for the other labels |
labels.atlas.xPos | horizontal offset between ATLAS label and its addition. (default: 0.16) |
labels.info | decide whether to draw the technical info tag on the top right of the plot |
labels.drawNFInfo | decide whether to draw information on which NFs were applied. This is only shown if labels.info is enabled. |
style.ratio.numeratorFilter | Tag on processes that indicates that a process is considered as numerator. Default: ".isData". |
style.ratio.denominator | Name of the histogram that is used for the denominator. Histogram names are formatted like "hist_ttbar" with process name "ttbar". Default: "totalStack". |
style.sub.showUnity | The automatic y range of the ratio plot includes 1. Default: true. |
style.sub.logMin, style.sub.linMin, (style.sub.logMinMin) | Restricts the automatic y-axis ranges of the sub plot for linear and log plots. They are not set by default. "style.logMinMin" defaults to 1e-9 and acts as an additional lower bound for log plots; use with great care! |
style.ratio.numerator.title, style.ratio.denominator.title | Name of numerator and denominator. If both are set, the y-axis caption of the ratio plot is "num / den". If the denominator string is empty, only the numerator is printed. Default: "Data" and the title of the denominator histogram. |
style.ratio.firstLabel, style.ratio.lastLabel | show first/last ratio axis labels. |
style.ratio.ndivisions | Control the number of divisions for the y-axis in the ratio plot. See TAttAxis::SetNdivisions(). |
optScan.FOMmode | figure of merit to be used. currently available are: s/sqrt(s+b), s/b, poisson, poissonwerr, s/sqrt(b), s/sqrt(b+db2) |
optScan.FOMbbb | evaluate the figure-of-merit bin-by-bin instead of integrated left and right (default:false) |
style.FOMmode | deprecated, use optScan.FOMmode |
style.FOMbbb | deprecated, use optScan.FOMbbb |
optScan.autoselect | select the optimization scan (left, right) that is better suited for every histogram and only show that one (default:false) |
style.optScan.default.* | control styling of the auto-selected FOM graph |
optScan.FOMmode | figure of merit to be used. currently available are: s/sqrt(s+b), s/b, poisson, poissonwerr, s/sqrt(b), s/sqrt(b+db2) |
optScan.FOMbbb | evaluate the figure-of-merit bin-by-bin instead of integrated left and right (default:false) |
style.FOMmode | deprecated, use optScan.FOMmode |
style.FOMbbb | deprecated, use optScan.FOMbbb |
style.optScan.default.* | control styling of the auto-selected FOM graph |
| TQEventlistPrinter.cxx |
verbose | If this argument tag is set to true, additional verbose printouts are enabled. Default: false. |
formats, format | These tags determine the formats in which output is generated. "formats" is vector valued and takes precendence over "format" which (if neither "format" nor "formats" is provided) defaults to "txt". |
.name | This process/cut tag determines the name of the process/cut which is used in titles and filenames of the output. Defaults are obtained via process/cut->GetName() |
| TQFolder.cxx |
d | If this argument tag is set to true, details on individual elements are printed. Default: false. |
~basepath | This folder tag contains the basepath of the folder, which is prepended to the return value of folder->getPath() |
~basepath | This folder tag contains the basepath of the folder, which is prepended to the return value of folder->getPath() |
.realname | This object tag contains the original name of the object in case it needed to be automatically renamed in order to make a valid name (e.g. replacement of "-" by "_". |
wildcarded | If this object tag is set to true, the part of the path corresponding to this object in the return value of getPathWildcarded() is replaced with a "?". |
filename | This parameter tag states the file to be included by $include(filename=myfile) when importing a folder structure from text. Specifying the name of this tag ("filename=") is optional. |
object, filter, skipsilent | This parameter tag states the object to be deleted/copied by delete(object=someObject) or copy("path/to/oldObj >> new/Path/::newName"); when importing a folder structure from text. Specifying the name of this tag ("object=") is optional. A "filter" can be specified to only apply the operation to instances of TQSampleFolder ("sf", "samplefolder") or TQSample ("s", "sample"); please note that the filter is inclusive for instances of classes inheriting from the one specified by the filter (i.e. "sf" also includes instances of TQSample). |
step, pad | edit the behavior of the for-loop, enabling skipping a few entries (step) or padding the string of the key to more or less than the number of digits of the final value |
tag, operator, value, path, filter, create, force, override, skipsilent | These text argument tags are used for the $modify command when importing from text. They specify which tag ("tag") at which folder (matching the value of "path", wildcarding is possible) to modify using the value of the tag "value" and the operator from "operator". "tag", "operator" and "value" are required, "path" is optional. A "filter" can be specified to only apply the operation to instances of TQSampleFolder ("sf", "samplefolder") or TQSample ("s", "sample"); please note that the filter is inclusive for instances of classes inheriting from the one specified by the filter (i.e. "sf" also includes instances of TQSample).
Supported operators are dependent on the type of tag: string: "+" (append), "-" (remove trailing), "=" (set); int/double: "+", "-", "*", "/", "^"(exponentiate, old^new), "="(set); bool: "=", "==", "!=", "&&", "||". Additionally, operators for non-boolean values (except "=") can be prefixed with an exclamation mark "!" interchanging the existing (old) value and the new value in the corresponding operation for numerical values. For strings, an exclamation mark before the actual operator causes the operation to be performed at the beginning of the existing string. Examples: "/" calculates <old>/<new>, "!/" calculates <new>/<old> "-" removes the string <new> from the end of <old> if possible, "!-" does the same thing at the beginning of <old>.
The boolean tag "create" specifies is a new tag should be created, if none of the given name is present so far (default: false). If "force" is set to true, existing tags of different types are overwritten (default: false). In both cases (non-existing tag or overwriting tag of different type), an initial value of 0., false or "" is used before the specified operation is performed. The boolean tag "override" allows to specify is existing tags (of same type) should be replaced. This can be used to initalize tag at all placed which do not have a value set yet. Default is !create.
In case of any unexpected behavior, warning messages are printed by default. To skip these messages becuase you know what you are doing, you can set the tag "skipsilent" to true. |
path, type | These text argument tags are use with the command $create. The value of "path" determines the elements created. All missing elements in the given path are created as instances of the class specified via the "type" tag: if it is set to "s" or "sample", instances of TQSample are created, if the value of "type" is "sf" or "samplefolder", instances of TQSampleFolder are created. If no (or any invalid) value for "type" is given, instances of TQFolder are created. |
| TQHWWPlotter.cxx |
energy, luminosity | (legacy!) This argument tag sets the center-of-mass energy and integrated luminosity denoted on the plots. Default: "(?)". |
color | (legacy!) The value of this process tag is copied to the process tags "histMarkerColor" and "histLineColor". Defaults are 0 and 1, respectively. |
title | (legacy!) This process tag is copied to the process tag "labels.totalStack" ("labels.data") if the process is the only background (data) process. Default: "Y" ("X") |
drawOptions | This argument tag is forwarded by TQHWWPlotter::plotHistogram to TQPlotter::addData. Default: "hist". |
histstyles.data., histstyles.mc.; style.default. | The first two argument tag prefixes are used to apply tags either to plotting of data or plotting of MC in TQHWWPlotter::plotHistograms. Only tags continuing with "style.default." are then actually used. |
geometry.sub.height | This argument tag (TQHWWPlotter::setStyleIllinois) controls the height of the sub plot (e.g. ratio plot) |
style.titleOffset | This argument tag (TQHWWPlotter::setStyleIllinois) controls the offset of axis lables. Default: 1. |
style.textSize | |
style.showSub | This argument tag controls if a sub plot (e.g. ratio plot) is shown or not. Default: false. |
geometry.legendPadRatio | This argument tag (TQHWWPlotter::setStyleIllinois) controls the width of the legend on plots. Default: 0.25 |
style.showEventYields | If this argument tag is set to true, integrated event yields for each process are shown in the legend. |
style.logScale | If this argument tag is set to true, the y axis is shown in log scale. Default: false. |
style.topLegend | If this argument tag is set to true, the legend is shown at the top of the plot. Default: false. |
style.ratioTopMargin | This argument tag sets the top margin for ratio plots. Default: 0.015 |
style.tickLength | This argument tag controls the length of the x- and y-axis ticks. Default: 0.03 |
style.sub.yAxis.nDiv, style.ratio.nYdiv | This tag controls the number of divisions/ticks of the sub plot. The number of top level ticks is given by the two least significant digits (in decimal notation). The second two least significant digits determine the number of sub divisions (smaller ticks), the thrid least significant set of two digits controls the sub-sub-devisions. When "setStyle" is called, the first tag (...yAxis.nDiv) defaults to the value determined from latter tag (...nYdiv) or 510 (10 top level divisions, 5 sub divisions) if the latter one is not set. |
verbose | This argument tag enables verbosity. Default: false. |
errors.drawSysMC, errors.drawAsymmSysMC | These argument tags enable drawing of (asymmetric) systematic uncertainties for MC. Default: false |
input.bkg | This argument tag specifies the path of the total background. Default: "bkg" |
errors.drawAsymmSysList | This argument tag contains a comma seperated list of systematic uncertainties. |
isTotalBkgSys | This process tag labels the process as the "process" representing the total systematic uncertainties. |
.path | This process tag contains the path(s) (possibly including path arithmetics) of the corresponding sample folder(s). |
style.showUnderflow, style.showOverflow | This argument tag controls if under/overflow bins are shown in the histogram. Default: false. |
input.mh | (HWW legacy) This argument tag defines the higgs-boson mass. Default: 125 |
input.lepch, input.channel | These argument tags do something (TODO) |
skipEmptyHistograms | Skip histograms with integral below given value. This is set to 1e-5 by default! |
normalize | TODO what exactly does this tag do? Default: false |
normalizeWithoutOverUnderflow | disable using underflow and overflow for normalization purposes |
normalizeToTotalBkg | process tag to normalize individual signal contributions to the total background |
.isSignal | process tag to identify signal |
.isBackground | process tag to identify background |
.isData | process tag to identify data |
input.bkg | overwrite the sample folder path used for background |
input.sig | overwrite the sample folder path used for signal |
input.data | overwrite the sample folder path used for data |
input.lepch, input.chname | overwrite the lepton channel used (deprecated, use 'input.channel' instead) |
input.channel | overwrite the channel |
input.sys | choose the path from which to read the systematics |
style.drawData | select whether to draw data points (default:true) |
style.overrideTotalBkgRequirement | usually, 1D plots without background are skipped. force plotting data/signal only with this option. |
style.showRatio, style.showSignificance, style.showDoverB, style.showDminusB, style.showDminusBoverD, style.showOptScan, style.showCustom | control what is shown in the sub-plot. all of these default to 'false', only showing the main plot. if any of these are set to true, the corresponding sub plot is shown. only one sub plot can be shown at a time.
style.showRatio: show the ratio between data and signal+bkg style.showMultiRatio: show the ratio between pairs of data and background processes in order of adding style.showSignificance: show the poisson significance of the data over the background in each bin style.showDoverB: show the ratio between data and background style.showDminusB: show the difference between data and background style.showDminusBoverD: show the the ratio between the data-bkg (signal estimate) and the data style.showOptScan: show an optimization scan. several figure-of-merit (FOM) options are supported via optScan.FOMmode and optScan.FOMbbb style.showCustom, style.ratioFormula: customized subplot. can be controlled with style.ratioFormula |
geometry.main.* | control geometry parameters of the main pad |
style.data.fitSlope.exportResults | export the fit results as tags on the plotter |
labels.drawATLAS | decide whether to draw the 'ATLAS' label |
labels.drawNFInfo | decide whether to draw information on which NFs were applied |
labels.drawInfo | decide whether to draw the technical info tag on the top right of the plot |
labels.atlas | which ATLAS label to use (Private, work in progress, Internal, Preliminary, ... - default:'Private') |
labels.drawATLAS.scale | scale of the ATLAS label. Defaults to the scale set by 'labels.atlas.scale' or 1.25 if neither of the two tags are present |
labels.drawATLAS.text | text of the ATLAS tag (default: ATLAS) |
labels.atlas.scale | scale of the addition to the ATLAS label (Internal, Private, ...). Defaults to the scale set by 'labels.drawATLAS.scale' or 1.25 if neither of the two tags are present |
labels.atlas.xOffset | horizontal offset between ATLAS label and its addition. (default: 0.16) |
style.xmin, style.xmax | Set custom x-axis range |
style.ratio.dropYieldsBelow | suppress points in the ratio graph where either MC or data yield are below this number |
style.ratio.fitSlope.printResults | print the fit results on the ratio canvas |
style.ratio.fitSlope.exportResults | export the fit results as tags on the plotter |
optScan.FOMmode | figure of merit to be used. currently available are: s/sqrt(s+b), s/b, poisson, poissonwerr, s/sqrt(b), s/sqrt(b+db2) |
optScan.FOMbbb | evaluate the figure-of-merit bin-by-bin instead of integrated left and right (default:false) |
style.FOMmode | deprecated, use optScan.FOMmode |
style.FOMbbb | deprecated, use optScan.FOMbbb |
optScan.autoselect | select the optimization scan (left, right) that is better suited for every histogram and only show that one (default:false) |
style.optScan.default.* | control styling of the auto-selected FOM graph |
style.optScan.left.* | control styling of the left-hand-side (lower) FOM graph |
style.optScan.right.* | control styling of the right-hand-side (upper) FOM graph |
labels.axes.subY | y-axis subplot label |
sub.yMin, sub.yMax | Overwrites automatic axis range of sub plot when drawing drawDataMinusBackgroundOverData |
labels.axes.subX | x-axis subplot label |
style.unitnormreverse | Reverse stacking and legend order for unitnorm plot if requested |
style.fillSignal | Tag to choose whether the signal is drawn with a fill colour or not |
style.fillSignalName | The name of the signal histogram to draw with a fill colour, default sigGGF |
style.cutLineSubPlot] | If including a cut line, also include it in the subpad |
cuts.* | a list of (vertical) cut lines to be drawn. value will be x-value of the vertical line |
style.ratioFormula | arbitrary formula that can be defined using the following placeholders: sHighXbinWidth, sLowXbinWidth, sHighXbinWidth, sLow, sHigh, sig, bHighXbinWidth, bLowXbinWidth, bLow, bHigh, bkg, dHighXbinWidth, dLowXbinWidthdLow, dHigh, data, binN, binX, binWidth |
style.ratioName | name of the custom subplot to be shown |
geometry.xscaling, geomatry.sub.scaling | These argument tags influence the appearance of the subplot. The precise effect is considered 'black magic'. |
style.pullMax, style.pullMin, style.pullMinAllowed, style.pullMaxAllowed | These argument tags give a suggested range of the y-axis for pull sub-plots. pullMin/MaxAllowed override the other two, unless 'style.forcePullLimits' is set to true, in which case pullMin/Max are hard limits for the subplot's y-axis. |
style.pullMaxQerr | This argument tag specifies a tolerance to include outlying points when estimating the y-axis range (passed as 'tolerance' argument to TQPlotter::estimateRangeY). Default: std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity. |
style.forcePullLimits | If this argument tag is set to true the y-axis range of the pull sub-plot is enforced to the values given by the tags 'style.pullMin' and 'style.pullMax'. Default: false |
geometry.sub.scaling | This argument tag sets a scaling factor for the pull sub-plot. Default: 1. |
.isData | This process tag identifies the corresponding histograms as data histograms. Default: false. |
labels.totalStack | This argument tag determines the label used for the total (MC) background. Default: "SM". |
labels.data | This argument tag determines the label for data. Default is the title of the data histogram. |
| TQHistComparer.cxx |
.title | Distribution tag used to set the lable of the corresponding bin. Default: "none" |
| TQHistoMakerAnalysisJob.cxx |
fillSynchronized | This tag is read from an additional option block in the histogram definition, e.g. TH2(<histogram definition>) << (<variable definitions>) << (fillSynchronized = true) . This tag defaults to false and is only relevant if vector observables are used in multi dimensional histograms. By default all combinations of values from the different observables are filled. If this tag is set to 'true', however, all vector valued observables are required to have the same number of evaluations (same dimensionality). Only combinations of values with the same index in the respective vector observables are filled. If a vector observable is used in combination with a non-vector observable the latter one is evaluated the usual way for each entry of the vector observable. |
weightExpression | This tag is read from an additional option block in the histogram definition (see tag 'fillSynchronized'). It allows to specify an expression which is multiplied on top of the weight provided by the respective cut. If a vector observable is used for the values to be filled into the histogram, the weight expression needs to either correspond to a scalar observable, or to a vector observable with the same number of evaluations as the value observable. If the latter case (vector valued weight) is used for multidimensional histograms (TH2, TH3), 'fillSynchronized=true' must be specified or an error will be thrown (reason: if every combination of evaluations of vector observables is filled the matching to a particular weight for this combination is non-trivial. If there is a particular use case where this is needed, please address suggestions to the core developers) |
fillRaw | This tag is read from an additional option block in the histogam definition (see tag 'fillSynchronized'). It causes all event weights to be ignored for the corresponding histogram. Please note that if a dedicated weight expression (see tag 'weightExpression') is provided it will still be used. Default: false |
| TQMVA.cxx |
makeCounters | If set to true, counters will be added to the cutflow counters, containing the number of training, testing and training+testing events |
| TQMultiChannelAnalysisSampleVisitor.cxx |
tagKey | control which tag on the sample folders will be used to identify the cut set to be used (default: ~.mcasv.channel) |
| TQNFBase.cxx |
overwrite | This object tag determines if the NFCalculator's result should overwrite an existing value (1) or if it should be set to the product of the existing and the new value(0). Default: 1 . |
applyToStopCut | This object tag determines if the NFCalculator's result should be applied to the stopAtCuts. Default: true. |
| TQNFCalculator.cxx |
writeScaleScheme | This object tag determines the list of scale schemes the results of the NF calculation are written to. Default: ".default" |
nfListPattern | This object tag determines the format how the existence of NFs for the target paths/cuts is written to the info folder (if present). Default: ".cut.%s+" |
processTitleKey | This object tag determines the name of the process tag used to retrieve the process title from. Default: "style.default.title". |
defaultBoundLower, defaultBoundUpper | When adding individual samples via addSample, these object tags determine the minimum/maximum allowed value for the NF of the process unless process specific limits are set. Defaults: 0., 2. . |
readScaleScheme | This object tag determines which scale scheme is used when retrieving values entering the NF calculation (e.g. to include results from previous NF calculation steps). Default: ".nfc.read" |
mode.matrix.nToyHits | (legacy!) This object tag sets the number of toys created when using the matrix inversion method to estimate the uncertainty and improve numerical stability. This is deprecated, use the TQNFChainloader and it's toy capabilities instead! Default: 100 |
mode.matrix.maxClosure | This object tag determines the maximum closure value allowed (results are discarded if this value is exceeded). Closure is ignored if tag is not set. |
writePreFitHistograms | This object tag determines if and where (filename) pre-fit histograms are written to. |
writePostFitHistograms | This object tag determines if and where (filename) post-fit histograms are written to. |
saveResults | This object tag determines if and where (filename) results are written to (this is independent from storing the results in the TQSampleFolder structure). |
processTitleKey | This object tag determines the name of the process tag used to retrieve the process title from. Default: "style.default.title". |
defaultDataPath | This argument tag sets the default TQFolder path for data (can be overwritten for each region, see tag "datapath"). |
epsilon | This argument tag sets the maximum allowed margin inevitable for some numerical methods. |
verbosity | This object tag sets the objects verbosity. Imported from argument in TQNFTop1jetEstimator::readConfiguration unless already present. Default: 5 . |
methods | This argument tag determines the method (and their order) used by the TQNFCalculator. The result is the one by the first successful method. |
name | This sub-folder("samples/?") argument tag sets the name of the sample. Defaults to the name of the folder it is read from. |
path | This sub-folder("samples/?") argument tag sets the path of the sample. Defaults to the value of the "name" tag. |
fixed | If this sub-folder("samples/?") argument tag is set to true the sample is left unscaled. Instead it is subtracted from data for the calculation. |
lower, upper | These sub-folder("samples/?") argument tags set the lowest/highest allowed value for the NF corresponding to the sample. Defaults: 0., 2. . |
name | This sub-folder("regions/?") argument tag sets the name of the (control) region. Defaults to the name of the respective folder it is read from. |
datapath | This sub-folder("regions/?") argument tag determines the TQFolder path where data for this region should be retrieved from. Default: "". |
active | This sub-folder("regions/?") argument tag allows to disable a region by setting the tag to false. Default: true. |
| TQNFChainloader.cxx |
pathprefix | This object tag is forwarded to the individual NF calculators as "saveResults.prefix", "writePostFitHistograms.prefix", "writePreFitHistograms.prefix" and "saveLog.prefix". |
mode | This config tag determines the type of NF calculator to be called for a calculation step. Default: "TQNF", other values: "TOP0JET", "TOP1JET", "MANUAL", "ABCD", "CUSTOM", "ERRSCALE"(special, see TQNFUncertaintyScaler!) |
applyToCut, stopAtCut | The "applyToCut" config tag determines the cut at which the calculated NFs are applied. It is also applied to all subsequent cuts, untill a cut with name equal to the value listed in "stopAtCut" is reached. Please note that some NF calculators do not have a single set of start/stop cuts and need a slightly different configuration. |
numberOfIterations | This object tag specifies how often the serial calculation of NFs --as specified in the respective config file-- should be repeated. Since the order in which the calculations are performed generally influences the result, this can be used this option can be used to possibly make the resulting NFs converge, i.e. become independent from the order of calculation. Default: 1 |
toySize | This specifies the number of toy NFs created to estimate the uncertainty of the resulting NFs (and their correlation). For each toy NF all input quantities are varied within their uncertainties as present in the sample file at the time of calculation. This usually does not include systematic uncertainties! The variations are ensured to be constant during the calculation of one toy. If the default value of 1 is not changed, no variations and no uncertainty estimate is performed. |
doNFplots | If this object tag is set to true, a root file is produced with distributions of the obtained toy NFs. Default: false. |
NFplotsPattern, NFplotsFile | The vector valued object tag "NFplotsPattern" specifies filtes specifying which NF toy distributions are to be exported to the root file specified in the object tag "NFplotsFile". The distribution of an NF is exported if it matches any of the comma seperated filter expressions. Example: *bkg/ee/*/.default:CutWeights (syntax: path/scaleScheme:cut) |
NFplotsEntriesPerBin | When histograms of NF distributions are produced, this object tag determines the binning of the histograms. It is chosen such, that the average number of toy NFs per bin is (roughly) equal to the value specified in this tag. Default: 10. |
NFplotsLow, NFplotsHigh | These object tags specify custom lower and upper boundaries for histograms of the NF toy distributions if both are set. Please note that dynamic versions showing a +/- 3 sigma interval are produced independently from whether these tags are seet or not. |
doNFcorrelationPlots | If this object tag is set to true, 2D correlation plots (scatter plots) of all combinations of NFs passing the filter specified via the object tag "NFplotsPattern" are produced. Default: false. |
exportNFsTo | Sets the name of a file to which the calculated NFs should be exported (in addition to storing them in the regular sample folder). |
| TQNFCustomCalculator.cxx |
verbosity | This object/argument tag sets the objects verbosity. Object tag overrides argument tag. |
pathMC | This object/argument tag sets the default MC path for the NF calculation. Object tag overrides argument tag. |
pathData | This object/argument tag sets the default data path for the NF calculation. Object tag overrides argument tag. |
expression | This object/argument tag sets the expression evaluated for the NF calculation. Must be TFormula compatible, the counts obtained from the different control regions are set as arguments on the TFormula. Object tag overrides argument tag. |
cut.0, cut.1, ... | These object/argument tags set the cut names for the different regions. The index corresponds to the index used in the expression (e.g. cut.0 is associated with [0]). Object tag overrides argument tag. |
type.0, type.1, ... | These object/argument tags types of counters ("MC", "data", "dataRaw" (no background subtraction)) for the different regions. The index corresponds to the index used in the expression (e.g. cut.0 is associated with [0]). Unless a path is explicitly given, the corresponding default path (see "pathData", "pathMC") is used. Object tag overrides argument tag. |
path.0, path.1, ... | This object/argument tag can be used to override the default TQFolder path for this one counter from. If it is not set, it will default to the values of "pathMC" or "pathData" dependent on the type (see "type.0, type.1, ..."). Object tag overrides argument tag. |
name | This sub-folder("samples/?") argument tag sets the name of the sample. Defaults to the name of the folder it is read from. |
path | This sub-folder("samples/?") argument tag sets the path of the sample. Defaults to the value of the "name" tag. |
readScaleScheme | This object tag determines which scale scheme is used when retrieving values entering the NF calculation (e.g. to include results from previous NF calculation steps). Default: ".custom.read" |
writeScaleScheme | This object tag determines the list of scale schemes the results of the NF calculation are written to. Default: ".default" |
targetPath | This object tag determines the TQFolder path(s) the result of the NF calculation is written to. Multiple folders can be specified using the TQFolder path arithmetics ("path1+path2") |
nfListPattern | This object tag determines the format how the existence of NFs for the target paths/cuts is written to the info folder (if present). Default: ".cut.%s+" |
processTitleKey | This object tag determines the name of the process tag used to retrieve the process title from. Default: "style.default.title". |
| TQNFManualSetter.cxx |
overwrite | This (sub-folder) argument tag determines if the result of the calculator replaces existing values or if it is multiplied with the previously existing value. Default: true |
value, uncertainty | These (sub-folder) argument tags determine the value and the uncertainty of the NF being set (or modified, see "overwrite") |
simpleScaleUncertainty | This (sub-folder) argument tag directs the NF machinery to propagate NFs as if they're uncorrelated, bypassing the need to do toy experiments and preserving the exact value of the NF and uncertainty as specified by the user |
writeScaleScheme | This (sub-folder) argument tag determines the list of scale schemes the results of the NF calculation are written to. Default: ".default" |
nfListPattern | This object tag determines the format how the existence of NFs for the target paths/cuts is written to the info folder (if present). Default: ".cut.%s+" |
processTitleKey | This object tag determines the name of the process tag used to retrieve the process title from. Default: "style.default.title". |
path, applyToCut, stopAtCut | These sub-folder argument tags determine at which paths and cuts the NF is deployed. "stopAtCut" and applyToCut support list context. |
| TQNFTop0jetEstimator.cxx |
verbosity | This object tag sets the objects verbosity. Imported from argument in TQNFTop1jetEstimator::readConfiguration unless already present. |
pathMC | This argument tag sets the path to retrieve MC counters from. This tag is obligatory! |
pathData | This argument tag sets the path to retrieve data counters from. This tag is obligatory! |
cutCR, cutJetEffNumberator, cutJetEffDenominator | These argument tags set the cut names for the different control regions used in the calculation. These tags are obligatory! |
name, path | These sub-folder argument tags determine the name and path of background samples which are to be subtracted from data. "name" defaults to the sample name and serves itself as a fallback for the "path" tag. |
readScaleScheme | This object tag determines which scale scheme is used when retrieving values entering the NF calculation (e.g. to include results from previous NF calculation steps). Default: ".top0jet.read" |
writeScaleScheme | This object tag determines the list of scale schemes the results of the NF calculation are written to. Default: ".default" |
targetPath | This object tag determines the TQFolder path(s) the result of the NF calculation is written to. Multiple folders can be specified using the TQFolder path arithmetics ("path1+path2") |
nfListPattern | This object tag determines the format how the existence of NFs for the target paths/cuts is written to the info folder (if present). Default: ".cut.%s+" |
processTitleKey | This object tag determines the name of the process tag used to retrieve the process title from. Default: "style.default.title". |
| TQNFTop1jetEstimator.cxx |
verbosity | This object tag sets the objects verbosity. Imported from argument in TQNFTop1jetEstimator::readConfiguration unless already present. |
pathMC | This argument tag sets the path to retrieve MC counters from. This tag is obligatory! |
pathData | This argument tag sets the path to retrieve data counters from. This tag is obligatory! |
cut1j0b, cut1j1b, cut2j1b, cut2j2b | These argument tags set the cut names for the 1jet, 0b-tag region (cut1j0b, rest analogously). These tags are obligatory! |
name, path | These sub-folder argument tags determine the name and path of background samples which are to be subtracted from data. "name" defaults to the sample name and serves itself as a fallback for the "path" tag. |
readScaleScheme | This object tag determines which scale scheme is used when retrieving values entering the NF calculation (e.g. to include results from previous NF calculation steps). Default: ".top1jet.read" |
writeScaleScheme | This object tag determines the list of scale schemes the results of the NF calculation are written to. Default: ".default" |
targetPath | This object tag determines the TQFolder path(s) the result of the NF calculation is written to. Multiple folders can be specified using the TQFolder path arithmetics ("path1+path2") |
nfListPattern | This object tag determines the format how the existence of NFs for the target paths/cuts is written to the info folder (if present). Default: ".cut.%s+" |
processTitleKey | This object tag determines the name of the process tag used to retrieve the process title from. Default: "style.default.title". |
| TQPlotter.cxx |
significance.bkgErrorFromPath | This global("master") tag allows to specify a list of paths (including (channel) and (campaign) placeholders) to be used to determine a (systematic) uncertainty of the background estimate to be used with optScan subplots for FOMs which account for background uncertainties (for Poisson significance with background systematics see https://cds.cern.ch/record/2643488/files/ATL-COM-GEN-2018-026.pdf). The usual path arithmetics can be used to, e.g., define the error to be a fraction of some process' yield: "0.3*bkg/(channel)/(campaign)/fakes" . If multiple, comma seperated paths are given they are summed in quadrature to determine the full systematic uncertainty. |
ensureDirectory | create directories to ensure target path exists |
style.*.showTitle | control whether axis title will be shown |
style.*.showLabels | control whether axis labels will be shown |
style.*.showTicks | control whether axis ticks |
style.*.nDiv | number of divisions (encoded in 5 digit number, default 00510) for this axis |
style.textSize | text size (default 0.05) |
geometry.*.titleSize | title size (default:textSize) |
geometry.*.labelSize | label size (default:textSize) |
geometry.*.titleOffset | title offset |
geometry.*.labelOffset | label offset |
geometry.*.tickLength | label offset |
style.*.fillColor | set fill color using TH1::SetFillColor |
style.*.fillStyle | set fill style using TH1::SetFillStyle |
style.*.lineColor | set line color using TH1::SetLineColor |
style.*.lineStyle | set line style using TH1::SetLineStyyle |
style.*.markerColor | set marker color using TH1::SetMarkerColor |
style.*.markerSize | set marker size using TH1::SetMarkerSize |
style.*.markerStyle | set marker size using TH1::SetMarkerStyle |
labels.axes.mainX | control the x axis labels of the main frame |
labels.axes.mainY | control the y axis labels of the main frame (usually 'Events' or 'arbitrary units') |
blinding.sumSignals | if set to true (default), all signal samples are summed. If false, only the largest signal in each bin is considered for the blinding. |
blinding.SoverB, blinding.SoverSqrtSpB | if at least one of these tags is set data histograms are blinded in bins where the expected signal to background ratio or significance (s/sqrt(s+b)) exceed the configured values. For safety both criteria are applied with thresholds of 0.1 and 0.5 respectively if an option matching "blind*" is found (to avoid accidential unblinding by mistyping). If a bin is blinded the bin contents and error are set to zero. |
style.showUnderflow, style.showOverflow | This argument tag controls if under/overflow bins are shown in the histogram. Default: false. |
requireMinimumContent | Skip histograms with integral below given value. This is set to 1e-5 by default! |
| TQROOTPlotter.cxx |
printProcesses | print processes to the console before plotting |
useNamePrefix | prefix histogram names with the variable names. will not affect the look of the plot, but possibly required for elaborate plots to be saved in .C format |
printObjects | print the objects created for plotting |
printLegend | print the legend entries |
printStyle | print the style tags active after plotting (includes temporary tags set by the plotter itself) |
sortObjects | Sort plotter objects before printing .C files. This produces consistent files that can be compared to previous commits. However, the pdfs can look a little sketchy. Don't use this tag if you want to get nice results. Default: false. |
embedfonts | run external font embedding command on created pdf plots |
exiftitle | set meta-information as exif string on pdf, jpg and png files |
deleteObjects | control whether plotting objects will be kept in memory after plotting (default: false for plotAndSaveAs, true for plot) |
geometry.*.scaling | scaling of a pad |
geometry.*.xMin, geometry.*.xMax, geometry.*.yMin, geometry.*.yMax | set the geometry parameters of a pad |
style.*.fillStyle, style.*.fillColor | control fill style and color of a pad |
geometry.*.margins.left, geometry.*.margins.right, geometry.*.margins.top, geometry.*.margins.bottom | control margins of a pad |
style.*.tickx, style.*.ticky | control whether ticks are shown on x and y axes of this pad |
style.tickx, style.ticky | control whether ticks are shown on x and y axes of all pads |
style.*.borderSize, style.*.borderMode | control appearance of the borders of this pad |
style.*.logScaleY | control log scale in y |
geometry.canvas.width | set the width of the canvas |
geometry.canvas.height | set the height of the canvas |
style.logScale | control whether the main plot will be shown in log scale (default:false) |
style.logScaleX | control whether the main plot will be shown in logX scale (default:false) |
style.showSub | control whether any subplot will be shown. overwrites subplots defined elsewhere. |
style.logScaleX | control whether the subplot will be shown in logX scale (default:false) |
cuts.* | a list of (vertical) cut lines to be drawn. value will be x-value of the vertical line |
style.cutLineHeightScaleFactor | Cut line height is nominally the same as the histogram maximum; use this tag to scale it by some factor. |
style.cutLineStyle, style.cutLineWidth, style.cutLineColor | control appearance of cutlines (TLine::SetLineStyle, TLine::SetLineWidth, TLine::SetLineColor) |
style.cutArrows | draw an arrow in the direction of the cut at the top of the cut line |
style.cutLineArrowDirection | specify which direction the cut is in so the arrow is drawn correctly |
heightlines.show | draw additional diagonal height lines in 2D plots |
heightlines.xCoeff, heightlines.yCoeff, heightlines.constCoeff | control the slope of diagonal height lines in 2D plots |
heightlines.rotateLabels | rotate labels according to the inclination angle of height lines in 2D plots |
heightlines.color, heightlines.style | control the visuals of diagonal height lines in 2D plots |
heightlines.values | list of values along the x axis at which height lines should appear |
axis.IDX.show | draw an additional axis with index IDX |
axis.IDX.xMin, axis.IDX.xMax, axis.IDX.yMin, axis.IDX.yMax | control geometry of additional axis IDX to be drawn |
axis.IDX.wMin, axis.IDX.wMax, axis.IDX.nDiv, axis.IDX.title | control labeling of additional axis IDX to be drawn |
axis.*.labelSize, axis.IDX.titleSize, axis.IDX.titleOffset | control style of additional axis IDX to be drawn |
normalize | normalize all histograms to 1 |
normalizeWithoutOverUnderflow | disable using underflow and overflow for normalization purposes. This tag automatically activates the "normalize" tag. |
normalizeToTotalBkg | process tag to normalize individual signal contributions to the total background. Apply this tag on the individual process. This tag will be ignored in combination with other normalization tags. |
style.showEventYields | show event yields (integral counts) in the legend |
style.showEventYields.useUnderOverflow | include underflow and overflow in the event yields displayed in the legend (default:true) |
style.nLegendCols | number of columns to be shown in legend |
geometry.legend.height | scaling factor for height of the legend |
style.showMissing | show empty legend entries where histogram is empty or could not be retrieved (default:true) |
geometry.legend.xMin, geometry.legend.xMax, geometry.legend.yMin, geometry.legend.yMax | control the geometry of the legend in relative coordinates |
style.useLegendPad | put the legend on a separate pad on the side of the plot |
style.legend.fillColor, style.legend.fillStyle | control color and style of the legend with TLegend::SetFillColor and TLegend::SetFillStyle. defaults are 0. |
style.legend.textSize | control the font size (floating point number, default is 0.0375) |
style.legend.textSizeFixed | boolean to control whether the text size will be interpreted relative to canvas size (default) or absolute |
style.unsorted | do not apply any sorting whatsoever, list all processes in the order in which they were added |
style.listDataFirst | show data before anything else on the legend |
style.heatmap | If this tag is set a heatmap ('colz') style 2D histogram is drawn for the histogram (read: process, e.g., "hist_Zjets") instead of contour ones |
geometry.main.rightMargin | Change the right margin of the main pad |
style.drawGrid | Draws a grid on heatmap plots if set to true. Default: false. |
style.logMin, style.logMinRel | These argument tags determine the minimum value contour plots in logarithmic scale. Default of "logMin" is 1. If the latter one is set, the minimum of the scale is taken as the product of the "logMinRel" tag's value and the highest bin content of the underlying histogram. |
style.minContourArea | This argument tag determines up to what size contours are omitted. Default is three time the minimum bin area of the master histogram. Removing this limit would create PDFs easily reaching ~100MByte! |
style.doContourLevelsPerHistogram | If this argument tag is set to true countour levels (in contour plots) are determined for each process separately. Default: false. |
style.nContours | This argument tag sets the number of contour levels shown in contour plots. Default is 6 unless "style.doContourLevelsPerHistogram" is set to true, in which case default is 2. |
style.scatter.markerStyle | override process-defined marker style with specified value for 2D scatter plots (see ROOT's TAttMarker documentaiton for values) |
style.scatter.alphaDecay | Multiply alpha value for each subsequent process drawn onto scatter plots by this factor. Default: 1.0 |
style.scatter.alphaDecay | Multiply processes' marker sizes by this factor in scatter plots. Default: 1.0 |
style.migration | If this tag is set a migration ('col4z') style 2D histogram is drawn for the histogram (read: process, e.g., "hist_Zjets") instead of contour or heatmap ones |
errors.drawStatMC | control drawing of statistical MC errors (default:true) |
errors.drawSysMC | control drawing of systematic MC errors (default:false; deprecated, use errors.totalBkgSys) |
errors.showSys | alias for errors.totalBkgSys |
errors.totalBkgSys | include in the total background error the specified systematics tag |
style.showTotalBkg | control display of additional line (and legend entry) for total background (default:true) |
style.drawData | control whether data points will be shown (default:true) |
style.data.asymErrors | show asymmetric errors (poisson errors) for data points |
showDataAtCuts | Show data only for these cuts. If empty and drawData = true, will draw data for all plots. |
stack | process tag to steer whether this process will be added to the stack (default: true for bkg, else false) |
drawOptions | control the draw options of this process (default: 'hist' for MC, 'ep' for data) |
drawOptions | control the draw options of this process (default: 'hist' for MC, 'ep' for data) |
stack | process tag to steer whether this process will be added to the stack (default: true for bkg, else false) |
style.showLegend | Controls if legend is shown. Default: true |
style.min, style.logMin, style.linMin, (style.logMinMin) | These argument tags determine the lower bound of the y axis in 1D plots. "style.min" is used unless the specific tag for the plot type (lin/log) is set. Additionally, "style.logMinMin" defaults to 1e-9 and acts as an additional lower bound; use with great care! |
style.xmin, style.xmax | Set custom x-axis range |
| TQSampleDataReader.cxx |
rebin, rebinX, rebinY, rebinZ | give a factor by which to rebin X, Y or Z coordinate |
rebinXList, rebinYList | give a list "{1, 2, 3}" of bin boundaries for rebinning |
remap | remap a histogram X axes to the range 0-1 |
unroll | a two-dimensional histogram |
scaleDensityToBin | scale all bin contents to densities, normalizing to the bin with the given index |
rerollGauss, rerollPoisson | reroll the histogram if required |
includeUnderflow, includeOverflow | include under- and overflow bins |
extraUnderflow, extraOverflow | keep under- and/or overflow bins separate |
ensureMinimumBinContent | ensure a minimum bin content as given |
histogramOfOnes | make a histogram with bin contents of one (for testing shape factors) |
title | sets the title using h->SetTitle(...) |
histFillColor | sets the fill color using h->SetFillColor(...) |
histFillStyle | sets the fill style using h->SetFillStyle(...) |
histLineColor | sets the line color using h->SetLineColor(...) |
histLineWidth | sets the line width using h->SetLineWidth(...) |
histLineStyle | sets the line style using h->SetLineStyle(...) |
histMarkerColor | sets the marker color using h->SetMarkerColor(...) |
histMarkerSize | sets the marker width using h->SetMarkerSize(...) |
histMarkerStyle | sets the marker style using h->SetMarkerStyle(...) |
color | default to histFillColor, histLineColor, and histMarkerColor |
cutBinLowX, cutBinHighX, cutBinLowY, cutBinHighY, cutBinLow, cutBinHigh | Cutting on histograms refers to completely removing bins to the left or right of any axis resulting in a new histogram with modified range of the corresponding axes. The bin contents of bins that are removed by this operation is NOT kept. The parameter <cutBinLow> and <cutBinHigh> refer to the bin index of those bins that form the first and last bin, respectively, of the axes of the new histogram. No cut is placed if the corresponding parameter is -1.
Defaults: -1 >> cutBinLow >> cutBinLowX -1 >> cutBinHigh >> cutBinHighX -1 >> cutBinLowY -1 >> cutBinHighY |
zoomBinLowX, zoomBinHighX, zoomBinLowY, zoomBinHighY, zoomBinLow, zoomBinHigh | Zooming into histograms refers to selecting a sub-range of a histogram by merging bins to the left or right of any axis and accounting both bin content as well as bin errors to the corresponding underflow and overflow bins. The resulting histogram has a modified range of the corresponding axes but the same total integral as the original histogram. The parameter <zoomBinLow> and <zoomBinHigh> refer to the bin index of those bins that form the first and last bin, respectively, of the axes of the new histogram. Bins are kept if the corresponding parameter is -1.
Defaults: -1 >> zoomBinLow >> zoomBinLowX -1 >> zoomBinHigh >> zoomBinHighX -1 >> zoomBinLowY -1 >> zoomBinHighY |
projXBinLowY, projXBinY, projXBinHighY, projXBinY, projYBinLowX,
projYBinX, projYBinHighX, projYBinX, projX, projX, projY, projY | Allows to project a 2D histogram onto one of its axes.
Defaults: false >> projX ___(== false): -2 ___ projXBinY >> (projXBinLowY, projXBinHighY) \_(== true) : -1 _/ false >> projY ___(== false): -2 ___ projYBinX >> (projYBinLowX, projYBinHighX) \_(== true) : -1 _/ |
rebinX, rebinY, rebinZ, rebin | Histograms can be rebinned using rebinning options:
> rebinX: merged <rebinX> bins on X axis to one bin using TH1::RebinX(...) or TH1::Rebin3D(...). No rebinning on X axis is performed if <rebinX> = 0 > rebinY: merged <rebinY> bins on Y axis to one bin using TH1::RebinY(...) or TH1::Rebin3D(...). No rebinning on Y axis is performed if <rebinY> = 0 > rebinZ: merged <rebinZ> bins on Z axis to one bin using TH1::Rebin3D(...). No rebinning on Z axis is performed if <rebinZ> = 0 > rebin: default to <rebinX>
Defaults: 0 >> rebin >> rebinX 0 >> rebinY 0 >> rebinZ |
norm | scales the histogram such that the total integral of it is 1 using TH1::Scale(...) |
scale | scales the histogram by a factor <scale> using TH1::Scale(...). This operation is performed after <norm>. |
reset | reset the histogram (set all contents to zero) |
slope | reweight a histogam with a slope |
applyPoissonErrors | apply poisson errors to all bins |
rerollGauss | randomize the bin contents of the histogram according to the erros set, assuming gaussian errors. |
rerollPoisson | randomize the bin contents of the histogram according to the bin contents, assuming poisson errors |
includeUnderflow | include the underflow bin in the first bin of the histogram |
includeOverflow | include the overflow bin in the last bin of the histogram |
extraUnderflow | move the underflow bin into the range of the histogram (use with remap) |
extraOverflow | move the overflow bin into the range of the histogram (use with remap) |
includeUnderflowOverflow | same as includeUnderflow and includeOverflow |
extraUnderflowOverflow | same as extraUnderflow and includeOverflow |
transferRelativeErrorsFromPath | copy relative error from another histogram (or counter in getCounter) with path given by this tag |
transferRelativeErrorsFromPath | |
sortBinsByRatio=true/false, sortBinsByRatio.numerator, sortBinsByRatio.denominator | |
includeScaleUncertainty | This can is used to enable the inclusion of scale ("NF") uncertainties in histograms and counters. Default: false |
.correlate.path, .correlate.value | See "useManualCorrelations" |
useManualCorrelations | If set to true this option enables the inclusion of correlations between (unscaled) histograms and (unscaled cutflow) counters. The correlation information in this regard is retrieved in the following way Starting from the folder in which the original element (=histogram or counter) is stored the folder strucutre is searched towards the root folder. The search stops when the tag ".correlate.path.0" is found (in other words a vector tag with the key ".correlate.path") or the root folder is searched without success. Tags from folders located in the hierarchy above the folder with the first match are ignored. For each entry in the ".correlate.path" vector a corresponding correlation value is retrieved via the key ".correlate.value.x", where "x" is the index in the former vector (in case no value can be obtained from ".correlate.value.x", 1.0 is used as a default). The value of the ".correlate.path.x" tag should give the path to a single folder. Elements in (sub) folders of the one where this tag is set and elements from the referenced folder are considered as correlated during summation according to the aforementioned correlation value IF they represent the same element. Representing the same element is determined by comparing the the object names (typically the name of the cut for cutflow counters / the name of the distribution for histograms) concatenated with their path in the folder structure starting (but not including) the last instance of TQSample(Folder) above the elements location.
recognizeIntegers | automatically recognize integer-valued columns and format them accordingly (default:true) |
transferRelativeErrorsFromPath | |
| TQSampleFolder.cxx |
.generalize.visited | This tag is set when objects are generalized ('downmerged') at the folder the objects are combined at. For merging sample folders with tqmerge this means the trace ID should be set to 'generalize'. |
| TQSampleInitializerBase.cxx |
ignoreSampleNormalization | Determines if a (global) normalization should be applied for the sample (based on cross section, luminosity, k-factor, ...) or ignored. Intended to explicity disable sample normalization. Default: false, value is being searched for recursively towards the root (sample) folder. |
makeNominalCounter, | makeSWCounter: string tag that, if present, will create counters containing the initial, nominal sum
of weights with a name given by the argument.
| TQStringUtils.cxx |
.xps.generator, .xsp.simulation, .xsp.process | The contents of these sample tags are included in the return value of TQStringUtils::getDetails(...). |
| TQSystematicsHandler.cxx |
verbose | This object tag enables verbosity. |
title.latex, title.html | This folder tag is used to set the LaTeX/HTML representations of the systematic's title. |
| TQSystematicsManager.cxx |
histoSys.smoothingMethod | choose the smoothing method to be used. "default" (default) uses TH1::Smooth, any other will be forwarded to CommonSystSmoothingTool SmoothHist::Smooth (https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-phys/exot/CommonSystSmoothingTool) if available - check there for possible values of smoothing methods |
histoSys.smoothDirectionAndSymmetrize | Can be set to 'Up' or 'Down' to configure the smoothing so it is applied only to this variation followed by a symmetrization of the smoothed variation. This is useful for 2-point systematics. |
histoSys.systsToSymmetrizeMaxBins, histoSys.systsToForceSymmetrizeMaxBins | List of systematics to symmetrize when a one-sided bin is present. The new shape will be determined by symmetrizing the larger variation in each bin. This could lead to amplification of statistically fluctuating templates so use with caution. The tag 'histoSys.systsToForceSymmetrizeMaxBins' can be used to force certain systematics to be symmetrized even if they don't exhibit one-sided bins (might be useful in case of largely asymmetric variations). |
histoSys.symmetrizeMaxBinsIterations | This tag determines how many iterations of "symmetrizing bins" and "normalizing the histograms after symmetrizing" we allow before terminating the loop and throwing a warning |
histoSys.cutOffHigh, histoSys.cutOffLow | The systematic is pruned if the variation / nominal ratio histogram has one or more bins above histoSys.cutOffHigh or below histoSys.cutOffLow. |
histoSys.flatChi2pValMin | If set both relative up and down variation (w.r.t. the nominal histogram) are tested for being compatible with a flat ratio by performing a Chi2 fit to a polinomial of 0th order. The histoSys is pruned unless the probability to encounter a Chi2 value lower than the one found in the fit of the relative variation exceeds the threshold determined by this tag. I both, up and down variation histograms are found the systematic is kept if one of the variations is deemed significant by the afforementioned criterium. |
histoSys.symmetrizeBinsIterations | This tag determines how many iterations of "symmetrizing bins" and "normalizing the histograms after symmetrizing" we allow before terminating the loop and throwing a warning |
histoSys.prune | Controls if pruning criteria based on a chi2 test should be applied to HistoSys ("shape") systematics/components (Default: false). The stringency of the pruning can be controlled with the tag 'histoSys.flatChi2pValMin' |
histoSys.pruneBasedOnCutOff | Controls if pruning criteria based on a cut off should be applied to HistoSys ("shape") systematics/components (Default: false). Cut-off values can be controlled with tags 'histoSys.cutOffHight' and 'histoSys.cutOffLow'. |
histoSys.symmetrizeBins | Controls if shapes with one-sided bins should be symmetrized. If the up and down variation have the same sign in a given bin, the smaller of the two will be symmetrized, i.e. the sign of the smaller variation is swapped. |
histoSys.symmetrizeMaxBins, histoSys.forceSymmetrizeMaxBins | Symmetrize shape when a one-sided bin (up and down variation going in the same direction) is present. The new shape is determined by symmetrizing the larger variation (i.e. setting the smaller of the variations to the mirror image of the larger) in each bin. Warning: This could lead to amplification of statistically fluctuating templates so it should be used with caution. The tag 'histoSys.forceSymmetrizeMaxBins' can be used to force certain systematics to be symmetrized even if they don't exhibit one-sided bins (might be useful in case of largely asymmetric variations). |
histoSys.smooth | activate smoothing of systematic variation (default: false). Choose a smoothing method with tat 'histoSys.smoothingMethod' |
SysRelMin | Variations below a certain minimum (sysRelMin) are cast to 1. |
SysRelCap | variations above a certain maximum (sysRelCap) are cast to maximum threshold. |
SysRelZero | drop OverallSys if variation does NOT exceed a certain threshold (sysRelZero) |
SysRelThreshold | drop OverallSys if variation does NOT exceed a certain threshold (sysRelThreshold) |
SysRelCutoff | drop OverallSys if variation DOES exceed a certain threshold (sysRelCutoff) |
SysSigMin | ]drop OverallSys if error on variation DOES exceed a certain threshold (sysSigMin) |
pruneNegligibles.samples, pruneNegligibles.channelFilter | tags to specify which systematics for which samples in what channels should be considered for this contribution based pruning. 'pruneNegligibles.samples' are vectors of strings that correspond to filters samples to consider. The total contribution is calculated from summing up all the samples that match the 'sample' string. The channelFilter is a simple string that should match the channel names to consider (default is all channels). |
pruneNegligibles.threshold | Threshold to apply for pruning. systematic is pruned if: "yields of single sample" < (threshold * "yields of all samples") |
Mode | mode used for the computation of the Up/Down variations from the input variations. Possible values include: single, difference, minimum, maximum, envelope, stddev, hessian |
Variations | list of input variations to use for the computation of the Up/Down variations |
Baseline | baseline variation to be used (default: Nominal) |
StatError | stat error histogram to be used |
Direction | direction of this variation (+1 for Up, -1 for Down) |
Scale | scale up or down this variation by some arbitrary factor |
TransferRelative | transfer relative variation instead of absolute (default: true) Smoothing.SmoothBins]: A vector of integers specifying the bin boundaries to be used for
calculating the relative variation between nominal and a variation. This relative variation is applied to the nominal histogram to get the smoothed variation. Example: Given a nominal histogram with 7 bins and the following tag applied Smoothing.SmoothBins={1, 2, 3, 5, 8} means the relative variation would be calculated for the last 3 bins merged, that is, the sum of bin 5, 6, 7 for nominal (Nom_567) and the variation (Var_567) is taken and the smoothed variational histogram bins will become: Var_5 = Var_567/Nom_567*Nom_5, Var_6=Var_567/Nom_567*Nom_6, ... |
| TQTHnBaseMakerAnalysisJob.cxx |
fillSynchronized | This tag is read from an additional option block in the histogram definition, e.g. TH2(<histogram definition>) << (<variable definitions>) << (fillSynchronized = true) . This tag defaults to false and is only relevant if vector observables are used in multi dimensional histograms. By default all combinations of values from the different observables are filled. If this tag is set to 'true', however, all vector valued observables are required to have the same number of evaluations (same dimensionality). Only combinations of values with the same index in the respective vector observables are filled. If a vector observable is used in combination with a non-vector observable the latter one is evaluated the usual way for each entry of the vector observable. |
| TQTable.cxx |
colAlign | Sets the default alignment of columns. Default "c", other values "l", "r". |
readFormatPrior | Defines the encoding/format assumed when reading from an external source. If this is set to "" or "verbatim", the format is automatically determined via TQStringUtils::findFormat. Unless the prior is empty, only the sepcified/automatically determined variant is overwritten. If variants different from prior are empty, an attempt for an automatic conversion is made. Possible values: "", "verbatim", "unicode", "ascii", "latex", "roottex" and "html".
standalone | If set to true a standalone document is created. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
comment | The value of this tag is inserted at the beginning of the output document, enclosed between commentary characters corresponding to the output format. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
preamble.html | The value of this tag is inserted before the beginning of the actual table. Argument tag overrides object tag. |
tableStyle.html | The value of this tag specifies the html table style, default is "border-collapse: collapse". Argument tag overrides object tag. |
env | Specifies the table environment used for LaTex output, default is "tabular". Other options include "longtable", for example. Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
layout | Sets the layout of the LaTeX document. The default "standalone" will create a document of clas standalone, other values lead to document class article. If the layout is set to "adjustbox", an adjustbox environment is created around the table. Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
preamble.latex | Defines additions to the LaTeX preamble (inserted beforedocument). Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
sep | Defines the seperator between entries for plain and CSV printing. Defaults are " " (plain) and ", " (CSV). Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
cellWidth | Defines the width of cells for plain printing in characters for plain printing, default: 10. If this tag is seet and adjustColWidth is set to true, the value of this tag is used as the maximum column/cell width. Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
adjustColWidth | If set to true the cell width is automatically determined from the content (default: false). The maximum cell width can be set via the tag cellWidth. Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
preamble.plain | Preamble text inserted before the table in plain text printing. Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
allowUnicode | Selects if unicode characters are allowed in plain printing not (default: true). Arugment tag overrides object tag. |
content.value | This tag contains the numerical content of the corresponding cell. |
content.value | This tag contains the numerical content of the corresponding cell. |
textcolor | Defines the text color for LaTex, HTML and plain (unicode) printing of the cell entry this tag is set on. In case of HTML/LaTex the value needs to be a valid color for the desired output type. For plain (unicode) printing "blue", "red", "yellow" and "pink" are available. |
cellcolor | Defines the cell's background color for LaTex and HTML printing of the cell entry this tag is set on. The value needs to be a valid color for the desired output type. |
bold | The entry this tag is set on is printed in bold font if this object tag is set to true. Supported for HTML, LaTeX. For plain printing, the "textcolor" object tag may not be set. |
prefixText.plain, suffixText.plain | This entry tag determines the text to be prepended/appended to the cell entry for plain text output |
content.verbatim | This tag contains the verbatim content of the corresponding cell. |
italic, bold, smallcaps | These entry tags determine if the cell content is displayed in italics/bold/smallcaps in HTML and LaTeX output. |
allowlinewrap | This entry/object tag controlls if cell contents may be wrapped over multiple lines in HTML output, default: false. Entry tag overrides object tag. |
style.padding.vertical, ~.horizontal | These object tags determine the left and right / top and bottom paddings of the table in HTML output, default: vertical: "0px", horizontal: "5px". |
tooltip | This entry tag is added to the cell in HTML output as a tool tip. |
prefixText.html, suffixText.html | This entry tag determines the text to be prepended/appended to the cell entry for HTML output |
format.expsuffix.<format> | This object tag determines how exponential notation is represented for format <format>. The default pattern is "×10^%d". |
symbols.<symbol>.<format> | Symbol to be used for format <format>, when <symbol> is encountered. Defaults are "Nan", "inf" and "-inf". TQTable::setup() sets format specific symbols, which are (LaTeX/HTML/unicode/ASCII defaults): NaN ("\" / "&2717;" / U+2717 / "NaN"), posInf ("\\" / "∞" / U+221E / "inf"), negInf ("-\\" / "-∞" / "-"+ U+221E / "-inf") |
format.<type>WithSuffix.<format>, format.doubleWithSuffixAndRelativeUncertainty.<format>, format.doubleWithSuffixAndUncertaintyWithSuffix.<format> | This object tag controls the format how numbers with suffixes are printed. <format> is any of "latex", "html", "ascii", "unicode". <type> is either "double" or "integer". TQTable::setup() sets sensible format settings, if it is not called, defaults may vary. |
format.useExponentialNotation | This object tag determines if exponential notation should be used, default: false. |
format.nSignificantDigits | This object tag determines the number of significant digits shown in the table, default: 2 |
format.useSIsuffix | If this object tag is set to true, SI prefixes (m, k, M, ...) are used as suffixes for numbers. |
format.integer | This object tag determines the standard format of integers, default: "%d" |
content.uncertainty | This entry tag contains the uncertainty of the numerical content of the corresponding cell. |
format.useRelativeUncertainties | If this object tag is set to true, relative uncertainties are shown (entry value needs to be non-integer!). |
format.useCommonSuffix | If this object tag is set to true, value and uncertainty are shown with a single suffix (e.g. (a +/- b) fb^{-1}). The format is set via format.doubleAndUncertaintyWithSuffix.<format> . |
prefixText.latex, suffixText.latex | This entry tag determines the text to be prepended/appended to the cell entry for LaTeX output |
ensureDirectory | If this argument tag is set to true, directories on the file system are be created when required to write to the specified output file(path). Default: false. |
content.ascii | This entry tag contains the ascii content of the corresponding cell. |
content.latex | This entry tag contains the LaTeX content of the corresponding cell. |
content.html | This entry tag contains the HTML content of the corresponding cell. |
content.unicode | This entry tag contains the unicode content of the corresponding cell. |
| TQTaggable.cxx |
i | This argument tag sets the indentation when printing a tag diff. Default: 0 |
z | This argument tag enables printing folder diff. Default: false |
m | This argument tag enables printing only mismatched in tag diff. Default: false |
d | this argument tag enables printing details in tag diff. Default: false |
.configname | This object tag determines the prefix when exporting to a configuration file. Default: "Config" |
.filename | This object tag determines the filename when exporting to a configuration file. Default: "config.cfg" |
| TQTikZPlotter.cxx |
printProcesses | print processes to the console before plotting |
useNamePrefix | prefix histogram names with the variable names. will not affect the look of the plot, but possibly required for elaborate plots to be saved in .C format |
deleteObjects | control whether plotting objects will be kept in memory after plotting (default: false for plotAndSaveAs, true for plot) |
optScan.FOMmode | figure of merit to be used. currently available are: s/sqrt(s+b), s/b, poisson, s/sqrt(b), s/sqrt(b+db2) |
style.FOMmode | deprecated, use optScan.FOMmode |
labels.drawATLAS | decide whether to draw the 'ATLAS' label |
labels.atlas | which ATLAS label to use (Private, work in progress, Internal, Preliminary, ... - default:'Private') |
labels.atlas.xOffset | horizontal offset between ATLAS label and its addition. (default: 0.16) |
labels.drawNFInfo | decide whether to draw information on which NFs were applied |
labels.drawInfo | decide whether to draw the technical info tag on the top right of the plot |
optScan.FOMbbb | evaluate the figure-of-merit bin-by-bin instead of integrated left and right (default:false) |
style.FOMbbb | deprecated, use optScan.FOMbbb |
optScan.autoselect | select the optimization scan (left, right) that is better suited for every histogram and only show that one (default:false) |
style.optScan.default.* | control styling of the auto-selected FOM graph |
style.optScan.left.* | control styling of the left-hand-side (lower) FOM graph |
style.optScan.right.* | control styling of the right-hand-side (upper) FOM graph |
| TQUniqueCut.cxx |
resetUniqueCut | If this boolean sample folder tag is set to true the run and event numbers of this cut are cleared upon initialization and finalization of the unique cut. |
| TQxAODskimmingAlgorithm.cxx |
.xAODskimming.treatAsSample | Sample folders on which this tag is set are treated as if they were an instance of TQSample w.r.t. checking if this instance represents a "super sample" (i.e. a TQSample containing other TQSamples where only the contained instances of TQSample reffer to an actual input data source). This allows, for example, for merging data samples for which the TQSample instances corresponding to the input files are typically stored directly in a TQSampleFolder instead of within a super-sample like MC samples with multiple input files for a single DSID). The (string) value of this tag is used in place of the DSID (normally taken from the 'dsid' tag) as a seed for finding a common substring of the individual input files/samples name. |