Tags Description
CAF_USE_TEMP_DIR, CAF_USE_LOCAL_STORAGE can be used to disable the use of (temporary) node local storage for outputs. If set to "no", "false", or "0" outputs will be written directly to their target destination (can reduce performance but may be needed on some clusters) CAFUSETEMPDIR takes precedence over CAFUSELOCALSTORAGE in case both are set
CAFANALYSISSHARE Path to the "share" directory of the analysis package. If paths to config files, ... are given as relative paths they will be searched for inside this directory unless a file with the given relative paths exists relative to the current working directory.
CAF_TEMP_DIR Temporary directory CAF outputs are written to during runtime (ideally some fast, node-local scratch space) before copying them to their user-itended location at the end of execution. If not set (or resolving to an empty string) '/tmp/<username>' will be used
CAFOUTPUTDIR Directory which outputs produced by various CAF classes and tools should end up in
CAF_SKIM_OUTPUT_FILE if set to a non-empty string the specified file name is used for the output file of the xAOD skimming algorithm. This also implies that the skimming will switch to a single-DSID mode and will throw an error if a second DSID is encountered in the job.
CAF_LIBRARIES Paths specified in this env var are added to the 'dynamic path' when the QFramework python module is loaded
CAF_PRELOAD_LIBRARIES this env var specifies a list of library names which should be automatically loaded when the QFramework python module is loaded.
LIBXMLPATH path to the libxml2 library
UHEPP_API address of the UHEPP API, defaults to https://uhepp.org/api/
UHEPP_TOKEN token to authenticate against the UHEPP API