
This action performs a likelihood scan, looping over one or more parameters and evaluating a grid of points.

        <fit.logToFile="./scan.log"> # write the fit logs to this file
        <datasetName="asimovData"> # fit to asimov
        +mu{ # scan parameter mu with 60 points in the range -5 to 5
            <min=-5,max=5, nbins=60>
        <datasetName="asimovData_SM"> # fit to SM asimov
    <snapshot="SnSh_AllVars_Nominal"> # start from the nominal snapshot
    <saveFullSnapshots=true> # save full snapshots of every fit in the workspace
    <storeFullResults=true> # store the fit-results of all parameters for every point
    <crossCheckMinima=true> # check for inconsistencies in the Nll shape after fitting and refit points if need be
        <fit.runMinos = true> # run Minos for every point
    <fit.runHesse = true> # run Hesse for every point
        +AT{ # first parameter to scan: AT coupling, 20 points in the range 0 to 2
            <min=0.,max=2, nbins=20>
        +AL{ # second parameter to scan: AL coupling, 16 points in the range 0.8 to 1.2
            <min=0.8,max=1.2, nbins=16>

As this performs a series of fits, it can take quite long to run. Hence, there is a batch-parallelized version of this action, WriteScanLikelihood.