This action scales the yields of certain processes in a workspace by an arbitrary factor.
The Action scales all (matching) RooDataHist instances in a workspace. Note: This has been tested to work by scaling the input histograms when building the workspace and "unscaling" them on a workspace level using this implementation. Behavior on (partially) unbinned fits has not been tested (yet).
+NameOfWorkspace {
<pdf = "nameOfPdfToEdit"> #defaults to "simPdf"
<name = "expression*ToMatch", scale = 2.0, invert=false>
#scale all processes with names matching the expression given as
#'name' by the given scaling factor. If 'invert' is true, yields
#are scaled by 1/'scale' instead (default is false).
+otherProcess {
<scale = 1.5>
#if 'name' is not specified, the name of the folder is used (here:
# "otherProcess")
The process name is matched against the name of the relevant RooDataHist instances. If their names are not known, try printing a workspace in cling (root shell): ws->Print("t")