Import a set of externally defined systematic variations into a model. This can be used to add systematics obtained by external sources, e.g. theory systematics, generator variations, systematics evaluated on truth samples, etc.
This action is most commonly used with the $include
keyword, importing the systematics from external files. These can be txt
or root
+ImportSystematics {
# new run2 ggH systematics
The aforementioned file ./auxData/theorySystematics/ggF/ggH.txt
would in this case be formatted like this:
# any top-level folder will be added as a new systematic uncertainty
+theo_QCD_scale {
+SR_0j_DF_all {
# the "Region" selector can be used to define on which regions
# this systematic should act. If not given, the folder name
# ("SR_0j_DF_all") is used as a region selector.
<Region = "Sample.sigGGF*jet*">
+ggf {
# the "Sample" selector can be used to define on which samples
# this systematic should act. If not given, the folder name
# ("ggf") is used as a sample selector.
<Sample = "Sample.sigGGF*jet*">
# the most basic type of systematic is an overall systematic,
# providing a "High" and "Low" variation as well as a nominal
# "Val"
<IsOverallSys = true>
<Val = 1, High = 1.0014, Low = 0.99875>
# some additional information can be provided to enable some
# of the more advanced plotting and pruning methods of the
# framework, but are not needed if the aim is to just have
# this systematic included in the fit "as-is"
<HighErr = 0.00522428, LowErr = 0.00519054, Percent = 5.26967, Entries = 57697>
# additionally, shape systematics ("HistoSys") can be added as histograms
<IsHistoSys = true>
# histograms are added with the names "HistoHigh", "HistoLow" and "HistoNominal" in the typical TQFolder syntax
TH1F("HistoHigh", "sometitle", 50, 80, 130) << 57697@{27.7231+-0.604252,2.91253+-0.177788,...};
TH1F("HistoLow", "sometitle", 50, 80, 130) << ...;
TH1F("HistoNominal", "sometitle", 50, 80, 130) << ...;
+vbf {
+SR_1j_DF_all {
+someothersystematic {
Of course, all of this can also be added directly into the main config file like this +ImportSystematics { +HWWRun2GGF { # new run2 ggH systematics +theoQCDscale { ... } } } However, in practice, these files are rarely created by hand. Instead, a script like the following can be used to prepare them. In this example we compare three different parton shower radiation samples with each other, where it is assumed that the corresponding histograms and counters are already provided as part of some sample folder.
#!/usr/bin/env python
def extractSystematicUpDown(syst,reader,cut,basepath,nom,up,down,observable):
# extract an up/down systematic
# similar functions for single-sided systematics can be written easily
# overall systematic
cntnom = reader.getCounter(TQFolder.concatPaths(basepath,nom ),cut)
cntup = reader.getCounter(TQFolder.concatPaths(basepath,up ),cut)
cntdown = reader.getCounter(TQFolder.concatPaths(basepath,down),cut)
if not cntnom:
raise(RuntimeError("unable to obtain nominal counter '{:s}'/'{:s}' for cut '{:s}'".format(basepath,nom,cut)))
if not cntup:
raise(RuntimeError("unable to obtain variation counter '{:s}'/'{:s}' for cut '{:s}'".format(basepath,up,cut)))
if not cntdown:
raise(RuntimeError("unable to obtain variation counter '{:s}'/'{:s}' for cut '{:s}'".format(basepath,down,cut)))
if cntnom.getRawCounter() == 0 or cntup.getRawCounter() == 0 or cntdown.getRawCounter() == 0:
# these bits are required
syst.setTagDouble ("Val", 1.)
syst.setTagDouble ("High", cntup.getCounter()/cntnom.getCounter())
syst.setTagDouble ("Low", cntdown.getCounter()/cntnom.getCounter())
# these are just for decoration
syst.setTagDouble ("HighErr", m.sqrt( (cntup.getError() /cntnom.getCounter())**2 + (cntnom.getError()/cntnom.getCounter())**2 * (cntup.getCounter() / cntnom.getCounter())**2 ))
syst.setTagDouble ("LowErr", m.sqrt( (cntdown.getError()/cntnom.getCounter())**2 + (cntnom.getError()/cntnom.getCounter())**2 * (cntdown.getCounter() / cntnom.getCounter())**2 ))
syst.setTagInteger("Entries", max(cntup.getRawCounter(),cntdown.getRawCounter()))
syst.setTagDouble ("Percent", 100.*max((cntup.getCounter()-cntnom.getCounter())/cntnom.getCounter(),(cntdown.getCounter()-cntnom.getCounter())/cntnom.getCounter()))
# shape systematic
histnom = reader.getHistogram(TQFolder.concatPaths(basepath,nom ),TQFolder.concatPaths(cut,observable),"normalize=true")
if histnom:
histup = reader.getHistogram(TQFolder.concatPaths(basepath,up), TQFolder.concatPaths(cut,observable),"normalize=true")
histdown = reader.getHistogram(TQFolder.concatPaths(basepath,down),TQFolder.concatPaths(cut,observable),"normalize=true")
print("no shape histograms found!")
def main(args):
import QFramework
samples = QFramework.TQSampleFolder.loadSampleFolder(args.inputfile)
reader = QFramework.TQSampleDataReader(samples)
basepath = "bkg/[em+me]/top/singletop/Wt"
for cut in args.cutnames:
outfolder = outfolder.getFolder(TQFolder.concatPaths("theo_Wt_PS_radiation",cut,"Wt")+"+"),
if args.outputfile.endswith("txt"):
elif args.outputfile.endswith("root"):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse the CLI arguments
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='extract top generator systematics')
parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', metavar='INPUT', type=str, dest="inputfile", help='ROOT file with input sample folder')
parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', metavar='OUTPUT', type=str, dest="outputfile", required=True, help='output text file for the systematics')
parser.add_argument('--cutnames', '-c', metavar='*CUT', type=str, dest="cutnames", nargs="+", default=["*SR","*CR"], help='select cuts to extract systematics at')
parser.add_argument('--observable', metavar='obs', type=str, dest="observable", default="MTfit", help='name of the observable to be used for shapes')
args = parser.parse_args()
# setup ROOT
import ROOT
import QFramework
QFramework.TQLibrary.getQLibrary().setApplicationName("Top Generator Systematics");
# call the main function