
Create a TQFolder model. Since the model contains the lion share of all the configuration information for the fit, the configuration for this step is typically quite extensive. Generally, the following things need to be defined:

| \allChannels
|  \.histograms
|  |\CutSR
|  | \myVar  # histogram
|   \CutSR
|    \myVar  # histogram
|| \myBkg
||  \.histograms
||  |\CutSR
||  | \myVar  # histogram
||   \CutSR
||    \myVar  # histogram
|| \myBkg
||  \.histograms
||  |\CutSR
||  | \myVar  # histogram
||   \CutSR
||    \myVar  # histogram
| \allChannels_someSyst_Dn
|  \myBkg
|   \.histograms
|   |\CutSR
|   | \myVar  # histogram
|    \CutSR
|     \myVar  # histogram
  ... (as for bkg) ...


+CreateModels {
  # The name of the model
    # The Parameters block is optional, but very useful
    +Parameters {
      <Title = "Test Model">
      <POI = "mu">
      # The luminosity scale factor (here, it is one because input
      # histograms already have been scaled to correct luminosity)
      <Lumi = 1.0>
      # The relative uncertainty on the luminosity scale factor. We
      # model the Lumi with an explicit systematic uncertainty
      # later, so we set it to a small, non-zero number to supprress
      # it.
      <LumiRelErr = 0.0001>
      # The minimum bin content for each histogram bin
      # This is important since zero or negative values do not go
      # well together with probability density functions
      <MinBinContent = 1E-12>
    # In the "Samples" block all samples (individual signal and background contributions as well as
    # data) have to be listed.
    +Samples {
      # This is the observed data. Please note that unlike all other
      # samples the name of the data sample has to be exactly "Data"
      +Data {
        <Type = D, Path = "data/?">
      # This is the signal contribution (here, individual signal
      # contributions are summed to get the total signal contribution)
      +sig {
        <Type = S, Path = "sig/$(variation)"> {
          <Val = 1., Low = -50, High = 50., Const = false>
      # This is the background contribution (here, individual signal
      # contributions are summed to get the total signal contribution)
      +bkg {
        <Type = B, Path = "bkg/$(variation)">
        +NormFactor.norm_bkg {
          <Val = 1., Low = -50, High = 50., Const = false>
      # The following lines activates the MC statistical uncertainty only for background.
      <ActivateStatError = true> @ bkg;
      # We add a global normalization factor to all samples to model the Lumi uncertainty
      @ ? {
        +OverallSys.ATLAS_LUMI {
          <Val = 1., Low = 0.98, High = 1.02> 
    # In the "Channels" block all channels (regions, e.g. signal and control regions) have to be listed.
    +Channels {
      +SR {
        <Histogram = "CutSR/MyVar">
      +CR {
        <Counter = "CutCR">
    # In the "Variations" block, all the variations can be listed
    # Each variation contains a "variation" tag that will replace
    # the "$(variation)" placeholder in the sample paths above.
    +Variations {
      +Nominal {
      +SomeSystematicUp {
      +SomeSystematicDown {
    +Systematics {
      +SomeSyst {
        # Put the two variations of SomeSystematic together to make up one nuisance parameter
        # Set this to be a normalization (overall) systeamtic without a shape (HistoSys) component
        <Up = "SomeSystematicUp", Down="SomeSystematicDown", IsOverallSys=true, IsHistoSys=false>

Internally, this action uses the HistFactory::Measurement class to generate the workspace, which requires the histograms in an external file. Hence, the histogramsFile tag can be used to define the name of the temporary file to be written. This file is an output of this step, and can be used for third-party processing.