This action performs a breakdown calculation, computing a breakdown of systematical and statistical uncertainties on your POI by source of the uncertainty.
There are two variations of the computation, the "normal" and the "inverted" one.
+CalculateBreakdown {
+Morphing {
# compute breakdown for the fit to asimov
+asimov {
+asimovinvert {
@ ? {
# the "singles" will compute the breakdown for each individual NP matching the filter
<singles.SYS = "alpha_ATLAS_*">
<singles.THEO = "alpha_theo*">
<singles.MCSTAT = "gamma_*">
<singles.NORM = "ATLAS_norm*">
<singles.FAKE = "HWW_FakeFactor_*">
# the "group" will compute the breakdown for the entire group of NPs matching the filter
<group.MCSTAT = "gamma_*">
<group.SYS = "alpha_ATLAS_*", = "ATLAS_norm*">
# since statistical uncertainties are not modelled explicitly, we compute them as the complement of all systematic unceratinies
<group.STAT = "*", = true>
<fit.startingStrategy=1,fit.printLevel=1,fit.numRetry=3, fit.offset=true, fit.verbose=1> @ ?;
As this performs a series of fits, it can take quite long to
run. Hence, there is a batch-parallelized version of this action,
in ActionBatchCalculate.cxx.
A different method of assessing the effects of different
systematical uncertainties also exists, see CalculateImpacts